The Morning After

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Michael's POV

I led Luke up the stairs and to Marissa's room. I smirked. She thinks she can sleep around well she's got another thing coming.

"Let's go in here." I opened the door.

"Why here?" Luke mumbled. I could tell he was just wasted. He was high and wasted. It was beautiful. I should get him wasted more often.

There's one thing about Marissa's parties, you don't have sex in Marissa's room. Any other room, just not hers. It was reserved for her and her score for the night. I bet it sucked when she came in with her "score" and couldn't use her room. But oddly enough, I don't remember her coming into her room.

"Because I want to fuck you so hard, make you cry out so the whole party knows you're mine." I said roughly. He looked at me with lust.

After Luke and I had some fun of our own, I was cuddling Luke the whole night and I didn't fall asleep. Our warm bodies together with his little snores escaping his mouth. I watched him the whole night. His eyes fluttered back and forth under his closed eyelids. At about 3 a.m. Luke jolted awake.

"Mikey!" he almost yelled.

"Baby boy, what is it?"

"I had a bad dream." he said.

"It's okay baby boy, I got you." I said and squeezed him closer, and he instantly fell back asleep. I smiled and rested my head on top of his. I wonder what his bad dream was about? What could scare him awake like that? I kept thinking while I hummed along to a random song that was stuck in my head. I shut my eyes just for a minute which actually turned into an hour. At 5 a.m. Luke woke me up when he started moaning.

"Michael." He moaned. "Michaaaaaaaael."

I jolted awake and once I realized what he was saying, I blushed. He was having a wet dream about me. He was so beautiful. He was sweaty from what had happened hours ago in this bed. His hair was all messy so I fixed it. There was just something about this boy that was different from anyone else I've dated or liked. I've only seriously dated Marissa, and there was love there before. We used to be like this. We used to have this type love connection between us. I don't know what happened with us. We just fell out of love. It was heartbreaking. When Cal told me that she had hooked up with someone a few months ago, it broke my heart. I never thought I could love again. I didn't tell her I knew. She knew I knew, we just didn't really talk about it. Like I said, I went to her parties and left early knowing she would end up in bed with someone else. If only I had met Luke earlier, I would have been happy and not gotten addicted to alcohol or cutting. It's too late to go back now.

I thought all morning after Luke had woken me up from his moaning. I got up slowly from the bed to get a glass of water in the kitchen. As I walked into the kitchen I almost ran into Marissa.

"Oops sorry!" I said.

"Oh Mikey! You came to my party last night?"

"Uh yeah." I said baffled that she didn't remember.

"That's nice, who'd you hook up with?" she winked. She was being extremely nice. I remember that happening with her hangovers. I liked hungover Marissa.

"My boyfriend, remember?"

"Oh yeah." She laughed. "How'd it go?"

"Very well thank you. You score at all?"

"I'm not sure. It seemed like I was hooking up with Cal and Lacey but I'm pretty sure they went without me. I drank a lot last night, it was a rough week."

"I'm sorry babe." I said pulling her into a hug, even though I cringed at the thought of my best friend and ex "gettin' it on".
"I really miss you." She said muffled in the hug.

I froze, was this the hungover Marissa talking or the actual Marissa talking?

"Michael." She said bringing me back to reality.


"Do you miss me?"

"Of course." I blurted out.

"Then why are you with him?" There's the Marissa I know.

"Because he's my baby boy." I said.

She rolled her eyes and walked away, back to the living room where she slept, I guess. What a bitch. I got two glasses of water and some aspirin. I remember my first hangover. It was quite awful. Luke had a lot to drink last night, his head was going to hurt like a dick. By the time I got back to the room, Luke was sitting up, throwing up into a trashcan. Oh yes the lovely, dreaded hangover.

"Here, love." I said and handed him the water and the medicine.

He nodded and took it.

"When you're feeling better, we should leave." I said, just wanting to get out of here.

"I'm fine, we can go, let's just go back to your place, I don't want my mom to see me like this." He said almost in pain. He stood up and winced.

"Babe, are you okay?" I ran to his side.

"Yeah, I think you fucked me too hard." He laughed a little, grabbing me with all his might. I ended up picking him, at least to get him out of the house. I ran down the stairs and out the door with Luke in my arms.

"You're so strong." He looked at me with lust.

"Make out session when we get home." I said firmly.

"Okay, Daddy." I loved that Luke called me that. He must have remembered that from last night.

"I love you, baby boy."

"I love you, Daddy."

"You know I'll protect you from anything right?"

"Of course."

"You just had a bad dream last night, I just wondered what it was."

"I'll tell you when we get home."

We walked back to my house. Also another thing Luke doesn't know, I live by myself. My dad left when I was younger and my mom was a drunk (probably where I get my addiction from), and she emancipated me. It was actually pretty great. She actually sends me money and pays for my house and everything. She just wanted me out of her house. Luke doesn't need to know this, at least not for a while.

Once we got in, I plopped on the couch and Luke followed.

"Okay tell me baby boy."

"Okay here it goes." And it broke my heart.

Hey all. Hope you enjoy this chapter.. CLIFFHANGER I KNOW I'M SORRY. Okay bye loves xx -Olivia

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