First Date

31 4 0

Luke's POV

The next morning I was awake even before my mom. I took a shower so I would look my best. I trekked back into my room to get changed. I found a Blink-182 tee shirt and black skinny jeans (my signature) and some black converse. I decided to style my hair and not wear a hat today. I actually was trying to impress someone now. My mom was still asleep so I went downstairs to get some cereal. I scrolled through my Twitter liking and retweeting some tweets. I finished my cereal and grabbed my backpack, I figured I'd get to school early and check out the school a little more.

I walked to school, the same route as the day before, but feeling happier. I got to school twenty minutes before class started. I walked around the school peeking into the music room and art room, as I would be taking music next semester. There was about five minutes left until the bell and I was all the way at the other end of the school. Great. I got here early and am now going to be late for class. I was still another hallway away when the bell sounded. Shit. I started running towards the hallway my math class was down when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me close.

"Good morning, pretty boy." Someone snarled. Michael.

"Good morning." I wanted to continue the sentence with beautiful boy, but I stopped myself.

"I'm taking you out tonight, 7 o'clock. I'll pick you up." he winked.

My stomach filled with butterflies, "H-H-How do you know-"

"I know," He cut me off, "Let's head to class."

We walked in awkward silence down the hallway. He opened the door for me, like a gentleman.

"Mr. Clifford and Mr. Hemmings, let's not make this a habit." Mr. Stevens said looking annoyed as he had already started his lesson. I was getting flustered but Michael covered for me.

"Won't happen again, Mr. Stevens." He smiled.

"Better not. Take a seat." Mr. Stevens instructed.

We walked to the back of the class while Mr. Stevens continued his lesson. I tapped my pencil nervously. Michael noticed and put his hand over mine.

"Don't worry, it's going to be a great night." He said sweetly. The rest of the day flashed by. I was so nervous for tonight. What do I wear? What will I say? I sweated while Mrs. Tompkin's talked about some literature book in English class. I day dreamed about the beautiful boy. I love him. Maybe it was too soon, but what if we're soulmates? All these thoughts entered my head as I walked home from school. I got home and decided to tell my mom about my date, maybe she could help me.

"Well is it just a casual date or a fancy date?" my mom asked.

"That's the thing, he's super mysterious and won't tell me."

"He sounds fantastic! Well dress casual since it's only your first date."

"Okay, Mom." I said and I went to my room to change. I just changed my shirt to a Green Day shirt, hoping he likes that band.

My mom had to work an evening shift so I was alone when Michael picked me up. He knocked on the door at exactly 7:00 o'clock. I opened the door with a smile on my face.

"Well, well what a nice surprise. I love that band," he said.

"Thanks," I blushed, "And not bad yourself."

"Shall we?" He asked offering an arm.

"We shall." I said taking his arm. He led me to his red convertible and open the door for me. I got in a he raced around to the other side.

"Where are we going?" I asked when he got in.

"You'll see," he said with a mischievous grin. We took a drive with the top down. It felt nice with the cool fall air whisking through my hair. Michael grabbed my hand and rubbed the top with his thumb. "You know Luke, I've liked you ever since I drove by you walking to school on the first day."

I blushed, "Really? I've liked you since you bursted into my math class. With those hot piercings and tattoos." I mumbled the last part.

"What was that?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Your piercings and tattoos are hot." I spoke a little louder.

"Really, because your lip ring has been turning me on the whole time." He replied biting his lip. My heart started racing. I hadn't realized, but I had started squeezing his hand.

"We're here." He said when he pulled up to a house that wasn't but ten minutes from my house. He got out and came around to help me out. He wasn't just a bad boy. So cute. He led me inside where there was a blanket with The Lego Movie queued on the screen. I blushed, he must have looked at my Facebook page. I know it was on there.

"I know it's your favorite movie."

"Yeah it is." I blushed. I'm falling.

We sat down on the couch and he pressed play. I giggled at some of the cheesy parts, what am I kidding, the whole movie's cheesy. Then he did the cheesiest move ever. The whole yawn/ wrap his arm around me move. I snuggled down and put my head on his shoulder and stayed like that for the rest of the movie. Once the movie was over, he turned it off and led me back out to the car.

"Where are we going now?" I kind of groaned. I wanted to stay on the couch like that forever.

"Just wait! You're so impatient!" He joked.

I sat in silence while he took me for a drive. We finally ended up in a secluded place surrounded by trees. He reached in the back seat and pulled out a box of pizza.

"How did you know! My favorite!"

He laughed, "I just know." I'm falling harder.

He reclined the seat back and put his arm around me while we watched the stars. We didn't talk much the whole night, which was okay. We didn't need to talk to feel the connection that we had between us. When it was eleven, he asked if he could take me home.

"I'd like to stay here forever, but I guess so." I said feeling much more comfortable with his presence. He took me home and once again, opened the door for me. He held my hand and took me to the door. Once we got to my porch step, we stood there holding hands for quite awhile. Then he started leaning in, and once our lips touched, it was like electricity. His hands went around my waist and mine around his neck. I felt like I was in a movie.

"Goodnight, pretty boy." he whispered.

"Goodnight, beautiful boy." and this time, I actually said it. He smiled and kissed me again. "I better go." He hugged me and I went inside, I ran up the stairs and jumped into my bed with a smile on my face and I'm sure it stayed plastered on my face for the rest of the night. I dreamt, once again, about the beautiful boy. I've fallen.

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter. Vote/ comment/ follow me :) thank you.

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