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Luke's POV

I woke up the next morning to get ready for school. I still had a smile on my face from yesterday. God I love him. I got dressed and skipped off to school. I skipped breakfast because I was running late. I was running to math class since the tardy bell had just rung. I had just turned the corner and ran into Michael.

"Michael!" I yelled.

"Hey babe." He kissed me. "Let's ditch today."

"Okay." I blushed. I didn't even protest.

We went out to the parking lot and jumped in his car.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I don't care, as long as I'm with you babe." He leaned over and kissed me.

"Let me drive." I said.


"Because I want to be the romantic one for once!"

"Okay, love." he said and changed seats with me. I drove him to the mall and parked. I got out and ran around to the other side to help him out.

"Thank you, love." he said.

We walked around the mall for a few hours and we held hands. We got some ice cream that I paid for. He snuck little pecks on my cheek every few minutes. God I love him.

"I guess I should go." I sighed.

"You tired babe? I'll take you home."

He drove me home and kissed me long and hard once we got to my house.

"I'll miss you." He said sadly. It was much more than, I'll miss you tonight. It was more like, I'll miss you for a while.

I got out of the car and walked up to my porch, I turned around once I got to my door, but Michael was already half way down the street. He didn't even wait until I was inside. He didn't even walk me up to the door. What's up with him? I decided to leave him be for now.

When I woke up the next morning I was hoping for a text from him. There wasn't. I went to school fairly depressed but fairly excited to see him since I'm worried about him. Although when first period started, he wasn't there, and he wasn't there by the end either. The rest of the day dragged on and I moped home from school. Once I got home I texted Michael.

L: hey babe, anything wrong? Where were you today?

A few minutes later I got a response.

M: hi hunny! I'm sorry I wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home.

L: why didn't you text me?

M: I forgot babe, I'm sorry xx

L: I forgive you babe xx need anything?

M: just you ;)

L: I'll be over in 5

I walked down to Michael's house with some chicken soup, romantic movies and videogames, I don't know what kind of 'not feeling well' he meant.

I knocked on the door and Michael answered.

"Hey babe." He slurred.

"Good afternoon, Mikey. You smell like alcohol." I cringed at the stench.

Michael looked at his feet and stuttered, "um yeah..."

I pushed him in the house and looked around. There were beer bottles and red plastic cups littered everywhere.

"Michael did you have a party or are you a drunk?"

"I'm not a drunk! I didn't have a party either."

"Okay, okay babe. I believe you, just tell me why these are everywhere, did you drink them all?"

Michael stayed silent for a long time and then responded, "yes."


"Last night."


"I was depressed."

"Babe why? You know I'm always here for you."

"I love you babe, but sometimes pain can only be taken away by beer."

"But then you feel miserable after."


I felt so bad for him. He really just needed rest. I told him to lie down and I lied down next to him.

"My love, I love you so very much, and if you need to feel pain, then I want you to hurt me."

"But babe why." Then I think he understood why. Hurting me, would be like hurting himself, and he couldn't do that to himself. "Oh babe I'm sorry." He said and starting crying.

"Honey, honey, it's okay." I said rubbing his forehead.

"No, no it's not that. It's this." He removed his bracelets to reveal something that broke my heart.

"Oh baby!" My heart sank. He had scars, all over his wrists. Even over his tattoos that wrapped his skin so nicely. "Why?"

"Luke, I-" he whispered with a tear rolling down his face.

"Baby no." I ran my hand over the scars.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do! What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know. I just didn't know if you could love anyone with cuts."

"Well can you?"

"Yeah... I mean but you're my only lov- no. You better not."

I rolled up my sleeves, "one month clean." I smiled.

"I'm very proud of you."

"Now we'll get you the same way."

"Okay honey." He kissed me. "Stay with me?"


We snuggled up on the couch for the rest of the day. I texted my mom letting her know that I was staying at Michael's house. I think I love him even more.

Michael didn't go to school until Thursday, still recovering from Monday night's breakdown, and on Friday I had a surprise waiting for me.

Hey guys! Sorry this was depressing ahaha. So the next chapter is a party and then wonderful smut written by Olivia5Hemmings , okay but seriously if you haven't checked out on of her stories you're lame. Go follow her please and thank you :) please vote and comment! -Olivia xx

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