Worth Fixing?

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Chapter 19 | Worth Fixing?

Carter played with his gun in his hands as he kept his eyes on Chris' house. He would've already walked inside and shoot the fuckass, but his girl and kid was in there and didn't want to scar either of them in the process of his revenge. His girlfriend or fiancée was just as much of a victim as he was, but it was most likely worse for her because she was still living the lie.

Carter laid his head on the headrest and looked at the roof of the car not believing what Sabrina did to him. How could someone look so innocent but they're so evil? What did I do to her?

"DAMN IT!" Carter yelled punching his steering wheel. "Fuck man." Carter squeezed his eyes shut before relaxing his eye muscles and cocking his seat back to help him relax.


Jaz pulled up behind Carter's car and cut the engine. After Chance explained the situation to him he knew exactly where Carter was and why he'd be there. He just hoped he hadn't killed Chris before he was able to find him.

Jaz walked up to the front door and knocked on the door. After about five minutes of waiting for the door to open, Jaz turned the door handle to find it still locked. "Damn it, Carter needs to stop killing people." Jaz said as he turned away from the house and toward Carter's car.

Seeing Carter laying on the seat knocked out gave Jaz a huge relief. He walked around to the passenger side and climbed into the car. He slid the gun out of Carter's hand and woke him up. "Carter, did you kill him?"

Carter wiped his hands over his face just looked at Jaz. "I wish I did."

"I'm happy you didn't, you can't just go around and kill him because of what he did Carter." Carter shrugged and looked at the roof of his car.

"Fuck him, he deserves it."

"Yes he does, but that doesn't mean you fuck up the rest of your life over something that can easily be fixed. You and Sabrina need to talk about what happened." Jaz said trying to put some reason into Carter's head. He knew that Carter would've thrown out any type of reason in his head.

"So you're telling me that if Chance cheated on you with her ex and had an abortion without you knowing, then you'd try to fix your relationship?" Carter asked out of curiosity. He knew he couldn't compare of the love that he had for Sabrina in comparison with the love Jaz had for Chance since they'd been through a lot more together, but he still loved Sabrina as if he'd known her for years. She reminded him of his mother so he immediately thought that she'd be the one that he married and had children with, but it seemed like things weren't going his way anymore.

"Honestly Carter, I'd still try to fix it. The amount of love I have for Chance will make me try to fix our relationship through anything not matter what it is. When you truly love someone you can't just give up when the first problem come your way, you have to try to fix it."

"How do I know if it's worth fixing?" Carter questioned feeling vulnerable. He didn't know what it took to be in a relationship and he really didn't even know relationships had any problems. From watching Chance and Jaz he thought their relationship didn't have any problems what so ever, but with Jaz's choice of words he knew that at one point they were sort of in the same predicament as he was in.

"Well if you're about to kill for her, then the relationship should be worth fixing," Jaz said cutting into Carter's thoughts. "C'mon man, let's just go to my place for tonight so we can just try to figure out a way to fix your relationship so you and Sabrina can work through it. Sound's good?"

Carter took in a big breath and shook his head slowly thinking about what Sabrina told him earlier. "I guess so." Carter said after thinking for a while.

"I'll follow you Carter to make sure you're not going to do anything stupid." Carter nodded in agreement with Jaz before starting his car and waiting for Jaz to go to his.


Chance crossed her arms and watched Sabrina cry on the couch of her apartment. She hadn't planned on trying to talk to Sabrina or even help her. Hell, if it wasn't for Jaz she'd been dead to her. But instead the woman who broke her brother's heart was now sobbing on her suede loveseat. Though it had been almost two weeks since Carter told her, just one look at Sabrina brought back all the pain she remembered seeing in Carter's eyes. That image was one she think she could ever forget.

"Chancey I-"

"Don't call me Chancey, Sabrina. You should be lucky I'm not punching your face in right now." Chance said as she continued to lean against the wall. She knew if she brought herself anywhere near Sabrina her fists would've been flying.

"I didn't cheat on him intentionally Chance, it just happened."

"I heard you the first time Sabrina. Look, I don't want to talk to you. The only reason you're here is because Jaz asked me to bring you here so you and Carter can talk on your own terms. But if it was up to me, you'd never even have a chance to talk to my brother, let alone look at him, again. Now just shut the hell up and wait until they get here." Chance took a deep breath and checked her watch on her wrist wondering where the hell the guys could be.

Not too long after, she heard keys in the deadbolt and made her way over to the door and unlocked the bottom lock. She swung the door open and motioned for the men to come in. Chance took a second look at Jaz's outfit and couldn't hold back the butterflies in her stomach from being around him. If it wasn't for Carter she'd pull him into a kiss so quick but also didn't want Carter to kill Jaz.

"Chancey, you didn't get her a napkin or something to wipe her face?" Jaz asked after taking one look at Sabrina.

"You should be happy I let her into my apartment." Jaz let out a breath knowing where Chance was coming from. He'd watched her hold lifetime long grudges after getting fucked over by someone once.

"Thanks again for this Chance." Jaz said to help ease her attitude. He glanced over her camisole and shorts before ending on her face yet again.

"Yeah yeah, I'm giving you fifteen minutes and that's it." Chance said focusing her attention back to the menace sitting in her living room.

Carter nodded in understanding and watched Jaz and Chance walk into the kitchen to give them privacy. He turned his eyes back to Sabrina yet again and had to fight the reflex to wipe away Sabrina's tears. "Hey Sabrina."

To Be Continued...

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