Chapter 1

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Monica's POV: I was on my way to school, I walked since it was just down the street. "Hey Cruz," Brandon said as he ran up to me. "Hey Hoover." "You excited for today?" "No, why would I be excited?" "It's the first day!" "Yea it's the first day, no new people as always. We've been with these people since were born, I'm tired of them. I wish we had new people but we don't because we're in the middle of nowhere. We're a small village. The only reason why we continue to grow is because people are horny." "Wow. I never thought of it that way." "I've always thought of it that way," i said shrugging as we walked through the doors of our school. I walked into my first class which was training. I was really good actually. The other good one would be Escamilla but he made my blood boil, more than anyone in this stupid, pointless Empire. Our trainer walked in, his name was Josh and his assistant was Tyler. I really liked them, they were great teachers. It was an honor learning from them. "Today you will be going against your partner. We've divided you amongst your strength," Josh said. That's when I knew exactly who I would be going against, and boy was I ready. "Monica and David," Tyler said as he read the board.

While they were telling everyone who they were partnered with, I chose a floormat that was in the middle of the training room. "Where you at Escamilla?" I yelled out. Just a few seconds later, he appeared walking towards the mat. Here it didn't matter what gender you were fighting. I didn't care honestly because Dave and I were the only duo that was of opposite gender. Plus it was ONLY fighting so. "Hello Monica, ready to get beat?" He asked as he let out a laugh. "I should be asking you that." "Ready to get this show on the road?" Josh and Tyler asked throughout the huge training room, which was basically a gymnasium. Tyler blew his whistle and everyone started fighting, except for Dave and I.

"Make your first move, Escamilla." "Ladies first." "Well, if you insist." With that I punched him the stomach, making him fall back. I got on top of him and punched him in the nose, hearing a crack in the process. He then flipped us over so he was on top of me, and slapped me. He got up and sent kicks to my sides. He only got 5 in because i grabbed his foot and elbowed it. He fell to the ground with a thud. I kicked him and stumbled to the floor, losing my balance. He grabbed his dagger and sliced my cheek with it. He wrapped his hands around my neck and tried choking me. I felt the air beginning to leave my lungs. I kicked him in his private part, causing him so fall over and yelp in pain. I got up and pushed him to the nearest wall with my arm against his neck tightly. I grabbed my dagger and sliced my initials into his cheek, they can just sew it up. It wasn't too deep or anything serious. Next thing you know he leans in and kissing me, causing me to get distracted in a bad way and he pushed me against the wall. I spit at the floor, "DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I yelled. "Give up and I won't!" "Okay fine," he smirked letting me go and turned around. I tackled him to the floor, pulling his arms behind his back and pushing upwards. "OWW!" I wrapped my legs around his as well. "Tap out Escamilla!" "Never!" "Never?" I then wrapped one of my arms around his neck squeezing tighter and tighter. "Monica that's enough, let go!" Josh yelled at me. "I'll get you back!" Dave yelled but I didn't care, he wasn't intimidating. I didn't notice everyone was looking at us. Brandon sent me a smirk. I did as told and kicked Dave in side one more time. Everyone clapped. I walked away, and was fist bumped by Brandon. Just then the bell rang. Next was war strategy.


When I got home at 1:OO o'clock I walked myself into my room and started writing. I love writing. I love the way the letters became words, the words became sentences, the way the sentences became paragraphs. I loved it. "I don't like it here. Everything seems forced, like a prison. I feel trapped inside my own body, having to live here. There's no where else to go. This is it. This would be my life for as long as I live. I sometimes wish my mother would've taken me with her. I just wanted to disappear. This was hell and I couldn't change that." Just as I finished, my father walked in. I hid my writing behind my back, he looked at me confused. Until, he walked up to me, "what are you doing?" He asked innocently. I couldn't lie, it wasn't allowed here, "w-writing." He sighed, "You shouldn't write. You know you can't. That's not allowed. You should be training." "But dad it's the same thing EVERY single day! Go to school, train, strategy, mapping, and reading barcodes or reading about all those things! There wouldn't be reading without someone writing it! I just want to write words and make something out of it!" I said as I cried. He hugged me, "I know..." "why isn't it allowed papa?"

Just then the horn sounded, meaning everyone in town had to go to the Escamilla's house because they would he making a speech. "C'mon." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked to their house, or castle I shall say. I left my dad and jogged over to Brandon, while his parents talked to my dad. "What do you think this is about?" I asked. "Beats me. I just hope its important, they interrupted my reading," he said in a low whisper. I let Brandon read some of my work. He loved it, we just kept it between ourselves. We would get punished if anyone found out.

We all had finally reached the Escamilla's castle, where there was a podium outside and guards around the perimeter. A few minutes later, the family appeared and walked towards the podium. Dave was by his sister, Danielle. While his mother was behind his father. "Good afternoon my brothers and sisters. As you all may know, and SHOULD know is that my son David, will be turning 18 within this week. He is next in line to rule this Empire, and with that he needs someone by his side, a wife." All the girls cheered, I just rolled my eyes. "Gross," I muttered, Brandon laughed. "I know what most parents are thinking, 'My daughter is too young to get married and so is your son.' My father thought the same when it came to me, but let me tell you something, I have matured drastically after getting married. It's probably the best thing that has happened to me. I have a beautiful wife, that I'm madly in love with. Blessed, with two children and for that, I want what's best for them and this is it. My son David and I will go to girl's house that he chooses later this evening. He tells me that he has had his eye on one for a while now. You are all dismissed." With that Brandon and I walked back to my place. "I feel bad for whoever gets stuck with him," I said. "Tell me about it," he chuckles.

We stayed in my room with the lights off and watched Netflix. I loved Brandon, he was my best friend. We were watching The Corpse Bride when we heard a trumpet, we looked at each other with confused looks. There was a knock at the front door, I heard my dad walk over to it. We stopped the movie, and heard people talking. Just then a few minutes later my father came into my room. "Monica...David and his father...they're here. For you!" He said with a smile. My eyes went wide and choked on my popcorn. "W-what?!" Brandon looked at me with wide eyes as well.


who would've thought? (Crown The Empire FF)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora