Chapter 11

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Monica's POV: I ran to my room and locked the door. I looked at the stuff spread out on the bed. Something happened. Something was truly wrong. Why would all this stuff be here? Why was it in the basement? How did it get here, of all places? How was my mother connected to this? I put the journal inside my lamp stand. I could save it for later, pretty sure it was someone else's. I grabbed the jacket and embraced it. But I immediately dropped it, there were tiny droplets of what I'm assuming were blood. I froze. I got chills. I felt sick to my stomach. I composed myself and looked at the ring. It WAS my mother's ring. I remember it clearly. I put it on my finger. Next, I took the picture out of the broken frame. A piece of paper fell out, it was ripped, and old. "This is happiness." I put the stuff away and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up and marched straight down to my house along with, all the stuff I found yesterday in my backpack, minus the journal. I still haven't read any of it. I opened my house door immediately, and slammed it. I saw that my father wasn't in the living room so I went to his room, "wake up!" He jumped up immediately, with a look of terror on his face. "What's wrong?" He asked half asleep, rubbing his eyes.

"WHAT REALLY HAPPENED WITH MY MOTHER?!" I was on edge, I didn't want to wait, I needed it. "W-what are you talking about?" He asked quietly, fully awake now. "Don't lie to me!" "What do you mean?!" I took the stuff out of my backpack, and threw it on in the bed, then I took off the ring. "What's-what's all this?" "Look!" I said as he looked at the ring I was holding. He looked upset. "Where did you get that?" "I found it! Why should I be able to find my mother's things inside the basement of the castle?!" "It's not her's." "So you wanna tell me that the girl in this picture, isn't her either?!" I shoved the photo in his face, and he grabbed it. He studied it. His fingers grazed over my mother's face on the picture, "why is it broken?" "I found it like that. Someone had to have thrown it or punched it." Next, I grabbed the jacket. "Do you know, what this is?" I asked holding it. I could tell he immediately recognized it by the way his eyes widened. "THERE'S BLOOD ON THE FREAKING JACKET! WHAT AREN'T YOU TELLING ME?!"

"I'll tell you when you're older." I probably sounded like a little girl throwing a tantrum but I didn't care. "When is that?! You know what forget it! I'm going to find out the truth with or without you! Lately it seems like that all of the stuff I've been doing is without you!" I shoved all the stuff into my backpack and slammed the front door shut. I was pissed. Severely pissed! I marched into the stupid castle, and started to look for a distraction. I passed by Dave who always seemed concerned about me. "What's wrong Monica?" "Nothing! My gosh nothing! It's like I can't keep to myself because all you ever do it ask and ask! Just stop with the questions okay?! I'm not in the mood and you're certainly not helping! So just quit it! You're like that kid that asks if you have games on your phone! Just stop pestering me! I'm not a kid so stop treating me like one! My gosh if you wanted a kid so bad to worry about why don't you have one?!" I walked into my room and slammed the door so hard, my room shaked a little bit.

I slid down the door, and cried. I really knew nothing about my mother. I've been lied to about what happened. Before I had the chance to cry even more, Dave opened the door, hitting me. "Ow!" I said as I weeped not because it hurt but because everything was just wrong at this point. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you so hard," he said hestistantly even though I knew it was an accident. "No, it's not that." "Then what is it?" "Do you know what happened with a mother?" "That she ran away years ago and never came back?" "See that's what I thought too but it's not the truth!" "What do you mean?" I took all the stuff out of my backpack and explained to him what I thought happen.

"I showed my dad and he just..." I sighed, "he said he'll tell me when I'm older, how stupid is that?! I'm 17 for crying out loud!" I yelled as I punched the wall. "I'm sor-" "don't say what I think you're about to say. Don't be sympathetic be empathetic." I was overreacting, I needed to calm down. I was always taking my anger out on someone and that someone happened to be Dave. He was only trying to help me, yet I was the one pushing him away. This marriage would become a mess, if I didn't stop myself. "Dave, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm acting like a child throwing a tantrum. I don't understand how you still want me when all I ever do is get mad and yell at you. I'm truly sorry." I looked up and sighed. "Hey I still want you even though you don't love me." He kissed my cheek softly.

Brandon's POV: I went to the white empire's palace looking for Andy's father. I went to his bedroom, "Mr. Velasquez." "Yes?" He said as he looked up from his book. "I have a lead." "That's right. What is it son?" "I think Monica's mom may have been killed by his father." "Impossible." "Why?" "Because I know where she is."

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