Chapter 4

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"Oh by the way I snuck over here," I said nonchalantly. "YOU WHAT?!" "What Brandon?" "THEY'RE GONNA THINK I KIDNAPPED YOU OR YOU RAN AWAY AND SEND A SEARCH PARTY FOR YOU!" "I'll be fine ; just say I was with my dad." He shook his head at me. "I still can't believe he threatened to disown you and he ripped all your writing. He's horrible." "I know he is. He forced me into marriage. What kind of a father does that?! But maybe they're right...who's gonna marry me if it isn't arranged with Dave," I sighed looking at the floor, "No one like likes me you know? Plus I don't have my heart set on anyone." "Hey you're gonna find someone I know it, even if you don't we're getting married just so we can grow old together, like best friends." I chuckled. "I just wish there was something I could do you know?" "Isn't the wedding in a like month or few couple months? Maybe something will pop up. You can't lose hope just yet, you're Monica, you always have a plan. Trust me something will happen. Even if you do get married who says you have to love him? You'll be queen, you'll be able to do whatever you want." He was right.

I sighed, "I just wish there was somewhere else to go, you know? New people, kind people, creative people, and maybe even a boy out there that I'll actually like. You know, the greener grass?" He just nodded, staying quiet. I laid my head down on his lap while he laid down on his bed, playing with my hair, looking at the ceiling. "You know what Hoover?" "Mm" "Your stuttering has improved. You haven't stuttered in a while, I've noticed it's only when you're nervous or sad." "Oh sh*t bro, you're right!" I laughed and smiled. He was happy, I was happy. "Nice PJ's and slippers by the way," he chuckled. "Shut up," I pushed him playfully.


It was six o'clock when I left Brandon's house and started heading back to the castle. When I got there the guards were being yelled at by Dave and running around. No one was in the watch tower. I walked through the gates nonchalantly and Dave saw me, sighed in relief. He ran up to me and hugged me, "I thought they took you..." I ignored the 'they' and lightly pushed him off of me. "I'm fine. Thanks for caring but please calm down." "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not someone you want to marry, or to care about you." "No Dave...I didn't mean it like that but you don't need to watch after me. I'm not some baby, i can take care of myself okay?" I said in a calm matter. "But you're going to be my wife, of course i need to take care of you." "You can take care of me when I can't." I walked away and into the garden.

I saw down on the cement bench. I looked up at the sky, the sun was about to set. It was beautiful. The sky turned into a canvas with purple, pink, blue, orange, and yellow. The sun slowly made its way to its bed. I looked at the flowers dancing in the wind. I walked inside the castle, being greeted by my everyone. I made my way to my room. I laid down at my bed looking at my ceiling. Just then Dave walked in, "look I just wanted to say that I'm sorry this happened. I'm sorry that you were forced into this. But I'm just trying to help you out take care of you like I should. I've loved you since we were little, even though you hated me because I was a jerk to you. The point is I'm doing this because I love...y-you, hopefully one day you'll be able to love me, like I love you. I'm not going to pressure you into it, when you're ready or if you'll ever be. I'll be here....waiting." With that he turned around heading to the door, but I ran up behind him and closed it. I then gave him a kiss on his cheek, "well, well look who's finally not being a jerk." He blushed and walked out. What he said was actually really cute. I was surprised at the fact that he said he loved me. I mean wow. I guess I'm just not used to someone caring about me in a romantic way. I guess I'll give the boy chance and try it out. What's the worst that could happen? We get married? Too late now. Ha.


I was getting ready for the day when Dave knocked and walked into my room. "I wanna take you out tonight," he said as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. Awh, he was nervous. How cute. Did i just call him cute, oh god. I mean yea he was attractive but I would never admit it. He was doing things to me. "Cool beans." "I'll see you later tonight."


I was wearing a black dress that was very fitting, it was just right above my knee. I decided on black heels. I wore a silver necklace. My hair was natural, meaning extremely curly. I wore a dark red matte liquid lip. I had diamond earrings on. Just then I heard a knock on my door. I was actually really nervous but i didn't know why and no I'm not gonna say 'I'm nervous because I like him' because i don't. I'm nervous because I'm not sure how things will go tonight, or how he will react when he sees me or how I'll react.

I opened my door and his eyes immediately his eyes widened. He blushed. Okay, maybe it would be fun to tease him i thought to myself. I reached in to hug him, and whispered in his ear, "You look great." Then I leaned in towards his lips, only an inch away. His eyes flicked down to my lips, just when our lips were about touch I pulled away, giving him a cheeky smile.

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