Chapter 15

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Monica's POV: The shooting had gotten worse with the hours. But then it just stopped. "I think we should go now," Brandon said. He was basically our leader. Everyone nodded. We quietly left the escape room and made our way to the hall way of the castle. Everything was destroyed. The walls were burnt. The floor was filled with ash. There were holes in the ceilings. Also tiny fires in the surrounding area. As we walked outside the castle, I felt myself wanting to throw up. It smelled like death. Bodies, everywhere. All dead. These people fought for their lives. I felt my eyes starting to water as I saw Josh and Tyler holding hands, with gun shots in their head. They really were great people.

"What now?" I asked to no one in particular, feeling numb to absolutely everything at the moment. "We're leaving. We have to. There's no choice," Brandon said. We walked away from the empire without a choice, without Dave. We walked for some time, until we reached a gated...white... empire. The other guard that I didn't know the name of, ran to the gate, passing knights, as they opened the door for him. The people here were different. They wore white, they looked happy, probably unaware of what just happened behind these gates. The guard lead us to a white palace, it was gorgeous. As we entered, gold and white were everywhere. The unknown guard lead us to what seemed like a study. We all entered, the guard sat at his desk, and took off his armor mask. He had black hair, he was tan, had brown eyes, and a big mole on the top of his lip, he started talking, "hello, I'm Andy. I'm the white empire's leader. You will be staying with us for now on." He lead us to a hallway with doors on both sides. He gave everyone a room, again, the walls were white and gold. I already felt myself missing my old dull room. I wasn't necessarily a fan of bright colors.

I sulked until it was dark out. I didn't want to breathe. I never liked admitting my feelings but here I was mourning for someone I didn't know who was alive or dead. How would I live like this? It's my fault. All of it. I should've stopped him or gone with him. I got up from my bed, got the glass vase with flowers in it, on my bedstand, and threw it at the wall. "How could you have so much life, when everything around you is dead?!" I yelled at the flowers probably looking and sounding a psycho. Just then Andy walked into my room, "or just don't knock that's cool too," I muttered at him. "You should get some sleep," he said as he rubbed his eyes. "No, YOU GET SOME SLEEP! DAVE IS PROBABLY DEAD AND I FREAKING FINALLY ALLOWED HIM INTO MY HEART! NOW LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENED! IM NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS, I NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO SEE MY HEART! I BETRAYED MYSELF!" I yelled in rage as I shook, it was like I was cold but I wasn't, I was fuming with anger.

Andy came towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't touch me!" I cried out. He ignored my wishes and we slid against a wall, and onto the floor. "Shhh," he said as he rested his head on mine, and rocked us back and forth. I could stay like this for hours, he was warm, and smelled good. After what seemed like hours without neither one of us speaking, he spoke, "they took away Charlotte..." He whispered. "Who?" I whispered back. "She, she was mine. She was the love of my life. Dave's dad might make her marry him. She was supposed to be MY wife. I was supposed to spend my life with her, even have kids. Now, I don't think she'll ever make it out alive..." We were both in the same boat. "How was she?" "The complete opposite of you, appearance wise at least. She had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, white, skinny-not that you're fat but she was thinner than you. Her thighs weren't as thick. She was beautiful." I could tell by the way he spoke so highly of her, he loved her with every bone in his body. I could imagine her in my head, and she seemed gorgeous. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, maybe Dave will find her, and they'll both escape. Dave's really smart. He's my best friend." "I hope he's alive..." "Everyone else and I."

We sat there, just talking about our lives. I learned so much about him. I didn't tell him much about my life, but I did tell him some things, it was only fair. I asked him why he was acting so nice to me and he said it was because Dave would've wanted him to. My heart stung as he said his name, I forgot about Dave for a little bit, just because I wanted to distract myself, and only focus on Andy and I's conversation. Being distracted was good, and extremely helpful.


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