Chapter 8

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Dave's POV: "really? I mean I know that's probably all we got but a war? We haven't had a war since Aeon, that was years ago. Plus the war was between us, now we're going against someone we don't even know." "Andy, it's the only thing left to do. Black and White must come together." "White doesn't trust you, and black doesn't trust us." "We'll do our investigation." "Okay. Now I have to go. So we just keep this from our people?" "For right now we do." "Alright, good bye." With that he snuck down the hallway as quietly as he could, and disappeared. When I walked back into the room, Monica was fast asleep. I saw that my body had calmed down and fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her body.


I woke up to find that Monica wasn't next to me. I sighed and got out of bed to brush my teeth. I headed downstairs for breakfast hoping to find Monica but I was told that she had already ate an hour ago. Where was she? I decided to go to the training room. Monica was training to my surprise considering I thought she didn't like it. She was throwing daggers like crazy at the board, and she didn't hesitate to stop. The daggers were being thrown so fast. "Monica, are you okay?" I startled her and she turned around so fast, with the dagger next to her face. When she turned she sliced her cheek with the dagger, "oh gosh." I went up to her and grabbed the first aid kit from the wall. She didn't flinch or seemed worried one bit.

I poured some rubbing alcohol on her sliced cheek, and put a bandaid on it. She then just walked past me and walked away. I shrugged it off and just began training since I really needed it, we're going to war. We're just not sure who we're going against.

Monica's POV : I left the castle and went to Brandon's house. I haven't spoken to him in forever. I knocked on his door and he answered it. "What?" He asked slightly annoyed. I was taken back by his attitude, "um hello to you too. So are we just gonna stand here or can I come inside?" "I'm staying inside, you're staying out here." "What do you mean? Are you okay? Did something happen?" "My gosh, Monica! Why don't you just get out of here?! You barely talk to me anymore, you're always with Dave now." I was shocked but also about to sass this boy. "Oh so you mean if I don't talk to you first you just won't talk to me at all then? And I have to be with him he's my husband! You know what I came here to vent about something so can we please just build a bridge and get over this you know that I love you." "I don't want to be-be friends anymore." I felt like the air had been kicked out of me. I felt lonely in only a matter of seconds. It felt like someone had taken my heart and crushed it. I suddenly couldn't breathe. I was hyperventilating, and tears were starting to fall from my eyes. "Woah are you okay?" He asked suddenly coming closer to me but then immediately took a step back. Wow, he actually looked concerned. "What does it matter to you? I'm not your concern anymore."

I ran, just trying to get out of there as fast as possible. I had just lost my best friend. My friend broke my heart. I no longer had someone to share my every thoughts to. I went to the one person that would never leave me. I ran home in tears, walked in, and slammed the door. I fell to the ground on my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. "Monica? What's wrong?" My dad said as he took off his apron. "I-I-I B-randon," my mouth couldn't get make the words out that I wanted to say.

He helped me towards the couch and rubbed my back. After crying for what seemed like forever and I had calmed down, I was able to speak. "Brandon, he said that he didn't want to be friends anymore and I was spending too much time with Dave that I didn't even bother talking to him. A-and I almost had sex last night dad. I drank so maybe that's why I almost did it. I almost lost my virginity..." "that's his problem. He's missing out on MY beautiful, brave daughter. You deserve better than someone who drop you in a second...I always thought your mother would be the one to give you the talk."

"I don't know if maybe it was Dave's idea to get me drunk and then have sex with me...i don't even though love him dad," I said with a shaky breath. "I wish your mother was here for this..." then I asked something I thought I never would, "how was mom like?" My dad looked at me in shock, but then smiled, "I thought you'd never ask." I chuckled. "Well, she was very much like you when she was younger. She's very brave, sarcastic, strong, and really good at training. You look just like her it actually scares me." "How'd you meet?" "It was way back when Aeon was still running, we met at a little coffee shop. There were no more seats and she asked me to sit with me. I agreed, she was so beautiful. We made small talk and next thing you know the sun is setting. We talked for hours just about everything. I learned so much about her that day, and the way her eyes glistened made my heart beat faster than it already was. We exchanged phone numbers, 6 months later we started dating, 4 years later were married, 2 years later you were born. I was 17 when we met. I was 23 when you were born, now I'm 4O."

I couldn't help but smile but also wanted to know more. "Do you have a picture?" "Um, hold on." He got up and left the living room. He came back, "here." It was a small rectangular, blurry, black and white picture. It was my dad and mom laughing in our living room, my mom was pregnant with me. Dad was right, I do look like her. "You can keep it." I hugged my father as tight as possible. He chuckled and hugged me back. "Dad?" "Yes." "Why did she leave?" He stiffened, "You want something to eat?" He asked as he went back to the kitchen and put on his apron, I sighed. "Sure, let's watch a movie too."


After a fun but strange day with my Dad, I went back to the castle. I trudged to my room, locked the door, not wanting to talk to anyone, and fell asleep.

Brandon's POV;): I wanted to cry, I can't believe our friendship was over. This was all their fault. You see, when Monica came over and I was in the doorway, I had a gun pointed at my head. These scarecrow looking creature things, invaded my house saying I needed to stay away from Monica or else I would die along with my family and Monica's dad. I don't know why. I was scared. They told me I couldn't be her friend anymore. All I wanted to do was hug her and tell her what was actually happening. Afterwards, they finally left. I was relieved. I have to get to the bottom of this.

I need to tell Andy. I ran out of my house and into the forest. I grabbed my skateboard, I would be going to the white empire.


I made it there in no time, I showed the guards my tag, and they allowed me entrance. I ran to Andy's palace, he was standing right in front of me while talking to another guard. "Andy we need to speak, its urgent." "Of course, come with me to my office," he waved saved the guard away and we walked to his huge office. "What's up?" "T-there was a scarecrow. They held a gun to my head, they told me to stop talking to Monica. I told her I couldn't be her friend anymore." "Do they know?" "Know that I have been pretending to be her best friend when really I'm a spy for the white and was supposed to tell your father all that was going on in the black empire. That I was sent to be her friend from the beginning because my family needed the money but I ended up actually being her friend. No, no I'm positive they don't know." "See Dave and I have been best friends since the beginning of time. The Black Empire and the White Empire have hated each other since Aeon. My dad wanted to see what was going on over there, to make the White Empire what it is today...a free land. You can do whatever you want here. But now my Dad isn't king anymore, I am. I free you from your duties. But I suggest you come clean to Monica. I know about the scarecrows, Dave and I are suggesting war, on whatever their kind is."

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