Chapter 5

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"You're so mean," he whined. I simply giggled. "You look beautiful," he said as he put his arm around my waist, walking into the hallway, closing the door behind us. We made it to the huge staircase, walking down them. When we made it to the bottom, guards were waiting for us. I felt weird around them, but was still nice to them. As if on cue Dave said, "they won't be coming with us, don't worry." I gave him a small smile. We walked outside the gate where the limo was waiting for us. It was matte black, the inside was filled with neon lights. "Wow," I said as I walked in and sat down on the leather couches. "Do you like it?" "Yea, it's nice. Where are we going?" "It's about 45mins-1hr away. So get comfortable," he said as he grabbed the champagne from the tiny little bar area across from us. He grabbed two glasses from there as well. "Look at you on our first date, you already got me popping champagne," he said as he sent me that gorgeous smile of his. Stop with the thoughts. He popped open the champagne making it go everywhere, until it finally fizzled down. He poured me some, and then himself.

"So tell me about yourself." He said taking a sip from his champagne. "Um, my mom left me with my dad at a young age. I don't know if she's alive or not. I don't even remember her that well," I don't know I had just opened up to him. If someone else where to have asked me about myself I would've said something completely different. He pursed his lips together as if contemplating whether to say something or not. "I'm sorry about that." I shrugged as I drank all my champagne in one chug. The sensation burned in the back of my throat.

" you ever wish you could just leave everything behind and just run away?" I asked not really knowing why but curiosity got the best of me. "All the time," he sighed. I was actually really shocked by his answer but then he continued talking, "I just...I don't know. I want to go and explore the world but I can't because it's dangerous out there...the empire is probably the only thing that still has humans you know? Plus I feel as if its too late, mainly because we're going to get married and can't abandon our people. I want to express myself through music but you know we can't because of what happened when aeon city was still an actual place before it got burned down."

"Wait so you sing and all that even though it's not allowed? Wouldn't you get punished?" "Yup, but hopefully I'll be able to eliminate that law whenever we get married and I become king. But you can't tell anyone because it's my escape and where would I be without my escape." "I won't. It's okay, I love to write even we can't. I just love the way I can create little words into something great. Words are just so powerful. You know, the reason I said yes to marrying you was because my dad threatened to turn on me and show your dad my writing." "Wow, and I thought my dad was bad. So he just took away your escape? What a sick person. Creativity needs to established." "Brandon used to read my work but I haven't been able to find my inspiration or paper or a pencil for that matter." "I'll get you some. Don't you worry," he said as he finished his drink.

I have to admit maybe marrying Dave wouldn't be such a had idea. He was a really interesting person. We both wanted to stop hiding in the dark and shine our light through our happiness. "What do you say we write a song together?" He asked and I felt a smile forming on my face. I nodded without hesitation. For the rest of the car ride we spent our time joking around. I found myself starting to like his laugh even though he hated it. I don't know but I felt like it suited him. We finally arrived to our destination and Dave helped me out the limo. When I looked outside the sun hadn't started setting, leaving the sky with a pattern of different colors. We were in a forest, which I found weird but whatever.

"C'mon," he said as he grabbed my hand eagerly. We ran to a place in the middle of the forest and there was a picnic blanket. It was surrounded by white candles. There was a picnic basket and beside it were deep, dark red roses. We sat down, I have to admit...I really liked this. He took some salad and spaghetti out of the picnic basket. He served me some, himself as well. I ate some spaghetti and groaned, "Dave this is flipping amazing!" I said as I stuffed more into my mouth. He chuckled.

We sat there eating not really talking because we enjoyed the food. When we were done he pulled out chocolate cupcakes with the right amount of chocolate buttercream. We laid down as we were about to eat them even though we weren't supposed to. We looked up at the sky as the sun was setting, it was so beautiful. We looked at each other as the sun disappeared, laying on our backs. We were pretty close to each other. He leaned in, trying to kiss me again. Just as our lips were about to collide I grabbed the cupcake and smeared it all over his face.

He looked upset just then he grabbed his cupcake, got on top of me and did the same to me. We laughed, our faces turning red from shortness of breath. No matter how many times he tried to kiss me, i still didn't like him. I felt nothing but I decided to at least try since i would be marrying him after all. Right now, I just saw him as a friend. I was kicked out of my thoughts when I felt something soft on my lips and it tasted like chocolate OH maybe it's the cupcake so i bit it, just then Dave yelled out in pain. I looked up, "what?!" I asked worriedly. "You bit me!" As he whined in pain and grabbed his lip. It looked swollen. Just then it clicked, "OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY! I THOUGHT IT WAS THE CUPCAKE!" He let out a painful laugh. "You're such a dork." I felt bad, so I did it. Yes oh my gosh Monica kissed Dave woohoo! I pulled his face and smashed his lips onto mine. He didn't kiss back immediately until he realized what was going on. He smiled into the kiss. Just as he deepened it, I pulled away, not wanting to make it go any further.

He blushed. Just then his eyes widened with worry. I turned around with him still above me, when I looked behind me I was frightened. There was a person in the shadows of the forest with a mask of a scarecrow on. With a ripped up outfit. The person was carrying the bloody body of a person in all white, with a white mask. The person in a white wore what the citizens of the black empire would wear. I've never seen anyone wear white, ever. It wasn't permitted.

"," Dave said. The scarecrow drops the lifeless body and started walking towards us slowly. I grabbed the dagger I always had tied up on my leg. I clenched it and threw it at the scarecrow. I grabbed Dave's hand and ran as fast as we could. We could hear footsteps behind us in the dark forest, the only light coming from the moon and stars. "DAVE THE GUN!" I yelled knowing he always has one. He let go of my hand and quickly grabbed the gun from his pocket. As he was distracted the scarecrow jumped on top of him, tackling him to the ground. "DAVE!" I yelled. The wrestled for the gun. I was trying to think of something to get the scarecrow off of him. Just then I heard a gunshot, scared of the outcome.

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