Chapter 12

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Brandon's HOV: "wait, what?" I questioned, taken a bit back by Mr. Velasquez's words. "She's alive." "OH MY GOSH! I HAVE TO TELL MONICA!" I was thinking about how happy she was gonna be. "Uh uh uh, you may not speak a word of this to ANYONE, especially not in the black empire. The wrong person will find out." I was scared now but also upset because I feel like I'm betraying Monica but scared because something bad could happen with this type of information. "I trust you son, promise me you won't say anything. It's for your own safety and everyone else's, especially Monica's mom." "Yes sir." We shook hands and I left without another word.


Monica's POV: Brandon has been helping me out with my mom but we haven't found anything. He just kept telling me that I shouldn't doubt that she's alive. Sure, I knew that their was a possibility of her being alive but I wasn't that stupid. I knew it was an 1OO% that she was most likely dead. I'd be crazy not to think that, it had been years since anyone had heard of her. Yes there was still that chance but Brandon telling me to have hope wasn't exactly helping. I knew that he was just trying to be optimistic but it wasn't working. I wasn't oblivious to reality. Speaking of parents, my dad. I hadn't talked to him since our argument. I just couldn't believe the nerve of that guy. I felt kind of bad for acting the way I did but he had to understand where I was coming from. The one thing I thought I knew about my mother my entire life, wasn't real after all. All I knew were lies, and they kept being fed to me like a toddler and pees. Anyways, it's not like he tried to contact me either. He probably just wanted to make sure I was alright before calling but even then I knew he would wait for me to make the first move.

Things between Dave and I have been great. Yes, I liked him very much but love him? Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I knew it would only be a matter of time though. We hadn't been intimate and I was more than okay with that. I knew that he would end up being my first but I wasn't ready and I was glad. I didn't want to rush into anything. It was also scary knowing that love would block me from reality, it's scary knowing that love would cause me to lose my virginity even though it wasn't the cause of why we got married. Did I even want childern? I wasn't exactly thrilled about the thought but I also wasn't upset. Who knows, only time will tell.

I haven't written in my journal. I was waiting for that spark I felt when I wanted to write. I hadn't felt that emotion that made my stomach twist at 100 mph. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Dave came into my room. "Hey beautiful," the words rolled off his tounge like wheels from a car on a highway. I turned around, looking behind me just to make sure no one was behind me, "me?" I questioned. He laughed at my ignorance. "Yes you, dork," he came and laid down next to me on my bed as we looked at popcorn wall ceiling. "Anything new about your mother?" He asked. I tensed at the words mother, seeming as I didn't technically have one. "Yea, um no," I sighed. I really needed to put my effort into this. I needed to know what really happened to my mom.

Dave's POV: After leaving Monica's room, I needed to meet up with Andy. We had to talk. I found myself walking to the white empire. I told Andy to meet me and he would take us to his study. We agreed to meet halfway. After I walked for what seemed like forever, I saw Andy standing against a tree. "Hey," I said as I got closer. "Hey, let's go." He nodded toward the village that looked a gigantic wedding from all the white everywhere. We snuck past everyone and made it to his palace. Once we got to his study, he locked the door. "What's up?" He asked as he sat down in his throne like chair. "Have you heard anything about the scarecrows?" "I have someone working on it. But so far, nothing. Maybe they've disappeared?" "Yea them and citizens. So are we going to war?" "If there's no other option." "I just don't want someone to get hurt." " how's the wife?" "Not so good," I sighed at Monica being stressed out and upset about her mother. "What, why?" "Her mother ran away a couple years ago and she's barely found clues but it seems like a dead end." "Maybe, we could ask someone that was around at that time when everything happened." "YOU'RE A GENIUS ANDY!" he chuckled. We talked for hours before I had to leave.
Andy's POV: I visited my dad after Dave left. "Hey dad." "Hi son, how are you?" "I'm good, just tired. Dave told me about how they're trying to look for his new wife's mom. It's sad. They don't know what to think." "Yea. Anything about those scarecrows?" "No. I miss Charlotte," I said suddenly starting to tear up. "Don't worry. We'll find them soon."


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