Chapter 17

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Brandon's POV: I did the right thing right? i told her the truth, no matter how much it hurt us both. She needed to know, I could not hold it in any longer, she did not deserve it. Was it bad timing? yea, but i couldn't keep lying to her. I went to Andy's study and knocked on the door. He answered just a few seconds later, "hey." "hi, what's wrong? you look sad," he said as he closed the door behind me. "i told monica the truth." he looked at me in shock, as if he never thought I would ever tell her the truth, but i did. "are you okay? how do you feel?" he asked, i could hear the concern in his voice. "i feel guilty that i let it go on for so long, but i feel like the weight is finally off my shoulders, and i'm just glad i finally did it." "how is she?" "she didn't cry, she said that she didn't care anymore. but i know her, i know she's probably crying somewhere right now. she'll probably never talk to me again," i said as i sighed, and ran my fingers through my hair. "hey, it'll be okay. she'll come around." i just shrugged my shoulders, he didn't know her like i did.

Monica's POV: After crying in my father's room, i went into town. I heard there was a cafe around here somewhere. I walked along the streets that were filled with people who looked happy, I wish I could be that happy. I found the cafe, it was called "Crown." I walked in and was immediately surrounded by the smell of coffee, ah i loved coffee so much. I went to the counter, and was ready to order. "hello, my name is Brent! how may i help you?" the cashier asked. I smiled at how happy he was and how his smile was so contagious. "hi, can i have a white chocolate mocha?" "yes of course, what size?" "large." "and can i get a name for that?" "Monica." "alright coming right up monica." I went to sit down at a booth.

Just a few minutes later, a boy with curly hair brought it to me. "monica?" "yes." "here's your coffee," he said as he smiled. i noticed his name tag, it read hayden. I had never heard of a name like that. I smiled and thanked him. "you're not around here are you?" he asked as he sat down in front of me. i didn't know if i was supposed to be talking about what happened yesterday, so i just threw something together. "ive lived here my whole life," i said as if it was obvious. "pretty sure i would have remembered your face." i just gave an awkward smile and nodded. "playing hard to get i see." "i'm not, i just don't care," i said as i got up and took my coffee with me.

i walked back to palace, trying to ignore everyone's stares but i couldn't so i gave them an ugly look or gave them a sarcastic wave which made them turn around so quickly. Why couldn't Brandon come clean another day? He would've been here right now and probably would've told these people something, especially Hayden or whatever that guys' name was. I need someone to tell everything to and I don't really want to tell my dad anything because he still hasn't talked about my mom. As I walked into the palace, I went into Andy's office.

He sat on his big chair while spinning around. He noticed me walk in and stopped to look at me, "hey monica, do you need anything?" he asked with a sound of concern in his voice. "Can we be friends? Please." "i'm sorry, what?" he questioned. "i can't show Hoover that I let him ruin my life, and i have NO ONE to rant to. You're the only person I know here anyways." "um, did you even try meeting new people?" "Yea but one of them was flirting with me, NO THANK YOU. Plus i wasn't sure if I was supposed to tell them I came from the black empire with everything that happened." "yea, that's right...thank you for not telling anyone about that. We just have to keep to ourselves for now. But i GUESS i'll be your best friend since I was your last resort," he said as he jokingly roles his eyes. "yayayay!" i hugged him tightly and sat down on his desk. "tell me about yourself Andrew," I said as I tried to be happy, it was hard to not breakdown with everything that's going on. "well...."

We talked for hours, I had learned so much about him, yet he didn't ask about me. He was probably scared to, or maybe he already had an idea. We laughed and it felt good to be able to laugh, but it felt wrong. Why? Because only my dad, brandon and his family, and me survived that horrible tragedy a few days ago. Only FIVE people survived. We sat back, too scared to do anything. The screams of our citizens kept playing in my head, the sounds of bombs, Dave leaving, and gunshots made chills go down my spine. We could've done something, I could've done something. Before I knew it, I started to shake as if I was in the arctic, I started sweating, my breathing was shortening, I couldn't breathe. Andy looked at me with worry, and came towards me, "Monica are you okay?! what's wrong? Is there anything I can do?!?!" I was having a panic attack. I haven't had one in years, I remember having one as a child when my mother left. I tried talking to Andy but I couldn't, my brain wouldn't let me. I started crying hysterically, I screamed as if I had been shot. I couldn't control myself. Andy ran out of his office.

I couldn't think clearly, I sat on top of his desk for what seemed like eternity until I heard voices. I closed my eyes, I could just picture our citizens screaming out for help. Help that never came. I remember seeing how much blood there was. The screams replayed in my head, especially the children's. Next thing I know, I'm being shook by my Dad. With Andy and a doctor in the corner, watching me. "MONICA!!!" My dad yelled, I shook my head, and tried to speak but I couldn't. I was worrying about not being able to speak that my breathing got worse, I would go to breathe and I couldn't. I felt myself getting lightheaded before everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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