Chapter 3

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"OMG DAN!", i screamed and ran to his location. I jumped on him and hugged him for three minutes.

"Okay, enough", he said with a huge smile on his face.

"You are right I'm just gonna gtfo", i said pretending to be annoyed and walked away.

"Come here you little trash", he said grabbing my hand and turning me to his place before hugging me tightly.

I loved it when we did that thing. That thing when we were being too sarcastic to each other but inside we were laughing too much. And for everyone who is wondering who the hell Dan is, well he is my best friend that i was talking about. We know each other since forever. Our mothers were best friends before my parents divorce. After that our families had a huge fight, they never told us why, but now they are not talking to each other. Dan and I though are best friends since birth, literally. He is one of the nicest person i know, and he is really cute too! He is my best friend, but oh god he looks good. His brown hair and his green eyes.... He is too tall for me tho and it is really hard for me to hug him sometimes. We like the same things, like bands, movies etc. He is the one person i know i can always count on.

''Hey did u watch that movie i told u about?'', Dan asked and he brought me back to reality.

"I didn't have the time. Sorry" , i answered. "Did u actually made that movie yourself?"

"Yep!", he answered with so much pride in his eyes.

I laughed at his huge smile. He is so precious, i am so happy he is my friend.

"What? Why are u staring at me like that?" he said laughing.

"Nothing, u pooh, let's go to class now", i said grabbing his arm and dragging him in class "We are already late and it is only our first day"

"Okay! But please don't call me pooh in front of people" he grinned

''Fine...... POOH", i screamed.

"I hate you", he said with a smirk

"Love ya too! Now lets go to class"

After ten minutes of wandering around the corridors not knowing where to go we finally found our class. I knocked and we went in. I was so nervous I dont know why. Like something would happen. I erase those thoughts and we walked in. All the students and the teacher were already inside and they were looking at us. We just standed there awkwardly until the teacher broke the silence.

"Go find your sits kids, and don't be late again"

We nodded awkwardly and went to find our sits. I spotted two next to each other. I pointed at them and Dan nodded so we went to sit down. As we were walking I heard all those people saying:

"Oh, look the fags"

"Why are they even in our class, jeez"

"Aren't they supposed to go to another school so they don't infect us or something"

"Infect you..." i said silently laughing... It is not a desease...

"Look at them OMFG"

"Are u like a couple of two fags or something?" , a boy said. It was Jason. We used to be really close in primary school. Then he just changed.''walking around holding hands and stuff'', he said.

I looked down to realise i was still holding Dan's hand. I let go and run to my sit. I didn't look at him cause i was scared. I was scared that he was going to say, they are right we need to stop being friends. As i was walking i realised i wasn't actually heading to my sit. I was walking out of the class. I didn't know why I was doing this but i couldn't just turn around and sit back to my sit so I kept walking listening to Dan's voice, my teacher screaming and all the kids laughing. I didn't know what i was doing i just knew i had to get out of the school. I would go back again tomorrow. The same thing would happen but at least i would be more prepared, i said to myself.

I went home, through my bag in my bed and punched the pillow. I do that a lot when i want to calm down. I heard the front door opening. And then i heard her voice.

"Emily!! To the kitchen NOW!", my mum yelled.

Fuck. The school must have called her. I am really not in the mood to deal with her right now. ''UGHHHHH'', I said while heading to the kitchen. "Okay mum i am here what do u w-". I stopped. What i saw cut my breath.














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