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Mark's POV

After last weeks rainy day Jack and me...we've been closer than before.

Maybe it the unspoken 'no chickflick moments rule' that had held us just that tiny bit apart. But now. We talk with no restrictions.

People have always told me that I don't talk about my feelings enough. That keeping thoughts bottled up is unhealthy. They tell me to talk to someone. A friend, a family member, a professional.

Here I am taking that advice.

Not completely.

I cant tell him something I'm not sure of.

But you tell him your suspicions on Daisy?

Because I had evidence.

I don't have time for this. I'm meeting Jack after he finishes work. I can't be late. I know how much he hates that place.

Why do I keep looking in the mirror?

I could be wearing a paper bag and have a head of 5 weeks unwashed hair and Jack wouldn't be phased.

I wonder why?

Because we are best friends. The closest two people can get without dating.

But is that what you want?

I'm straight!

You can like both boys and girls. It's not one side or the other.

It doesn't matter because I don't get romantically or sexually attracted to males.

You leaving yet?

Shit I'm running late.

You should've left by now.

I'm going as fast as I can give me a break.

I won't be late. He's never been late for me. So by the power of the bro code I cannot be late for him.

Give me five minutes Jack.

I'll be there soon.

Jack's POV

I hate this job.

I thought the people at the shoe store were indecisive. These people must take 3 years choosing an outfit in the morning.

"What will you be having?"

"Ummmmm surprise me. I simply can't choose."

Great. Now I will be judged on whatever I choose for these picky little-

"Actually can I have the soup of the day please."

I'm going to murder someone.

Plaster a smile and pretend you aren't planning how to destroy the evidence.

You couldn't even if you had the chance princess softheart.

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