The Confession

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Mark's POV

I'm tired as hell but more awake then I've ever been. My body aches from the workout but my mind is racing. It needs to slow down because I'm struggling to hold conversation.

"We have three assignments due for Tuesday and you need to make sure you have your stuff for band on Wednesday because Ms Harklen is absent on Thursday, so bands been moved up a day.... Hey are you alright?"

He looks concerned and I feel really bad. I'm not ready just yet. We're not even at his house yet.

"I'm fine doofus," I assure him, "just really tired from all the exercise we just did."

He does this little half smirk and uh oh I'm supposed to be getting over him.

"C'mon I thought you did that all the time?"

"I do! I just worked extra hard tonight to show you up."

He smiles again and I'm smiling too. Why would I want to ruin this? Would I ever find another friendship like this? Probably not. I'm so lucky I got this one.

Hey focus on the present.

I need to quit zoning out. I don't want to worry him.

"Hey redhead?"

He's talking to you.

"What's up?" My replies are too quick. He can tell.

He shakes his head slightly and smiles up at me through his hair.

"If you're that tired then when we get back you can go to sleep. I'll take the floor because you're a guest. Or you can try and brave the spare room but it hasnt got sheets."

"We can share the bed I'm not that fat." My face feels warm but luckily no one can see my blush. And definately not in this lighting. The streetlamps barely light the pavement.

Wait is he blushing?

It could just be the shitty light but I'm pretty sure he's blushing.

"Do you have PJs or do you want to borrow mine?" He says quickly, still looking toward the floor.

"I'll go in boxers. You're not fussed right?"

Yup he's blushing alright.

"I usually do the same so it doesn't bother me," He stutters.

So it's decided then. We're sharing a bed in our underwear.


Jacks POV

My face is burning. I can feel it. Has he noticed? Hopefully not. If he has I'll just say I'm ill.

Because lying to your friend is the way forward.

I'm nervous. I kinda want to tell him but there's no way I'm putting our friendship on the line. I'll suffer in silence.

So you admit it? You like him?

It doesn't matter. The point is even if I did I wouldn't have a chance because he is Mark and I'm Jack. He's A* student and I'm scraping Bs. He's captain of every team and the hero the freshmans look up to. He's a legend. And I'm me.

Optimistic huh?

I need to focus on making it through tonight without making a stupid decision that will inevitably lead to disaster. No hurried clues, no flirting, no mistakes. Tonight is two friends hanging out. Nothing wierd about that. Why did I have to make this wierd?

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