The Aftermath

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Jacks POV

It seems unfit to just go back to playing The Last Guardian but what else am I supposed to do?

He kissed me.

I kissed him.

God it was amazing.

I've kissed other people before but that was casual. This kiss felt intimate, like we had been together for years.

Are we together? Is that what just happened?

I'm leaning back against his body, him leaning against the wall with one arm resting over my shoulder.

If my heart beats any faster I'll pass out.

I'm still trying to process it.

He likes me. I told him I liked him back. We kissed.

Maybe this is a dream. I'll wake up and everything will be like it was.

God I hope not.

He's so warm and solid and real. This can't be a dream.

He laughed and the vibration spread across my back.

"Gosh you suddenly suck at this game. This is the fifth time you've died in the last ten minutes."

I blush but because I'm facing away I don't think he can see me.

"Not my fault. I can't focus."

A part of me smiles at admitting it but a large part of me panics. I don't want to seem needy. I've got to relax.

"I haven't even done anything yet!" He rumbles and gosh does he even understand how amazing his voice is.

"Do you sing?"

Wow way to sound like a creep.

I'm curious!

He laughs again but quieter this time before clearing his throat and gently sings the beginning of City of Stars.

It's like someone poured honey into his throat and suddenly his voice is clear and pure and perfect.

"How did I not know about this?" I ask, looking up at him.

He smiles slightly and looks into my eyes.

"I kept it a secret just in case I needed a party trick. Now my party trick is ruined."

"Hey don't worry about it. I wont tell anyone."

My phone starts vibrating and I look over at it without getting up.


"Why do you have an alarm to tell you to go to sleep?"

I sit up and my body mourns the loss of heat as I crawl across the bed to my phone.

"I once accidentally did an all-nighter because I have no concept of time when playing video games. Sometimes I'll be playing for 5 minutes and then I'll realize that it's 7am and I need to get dressed for school. Its why I have coffee readily available."

I look at the floor, the heat from my skin almost melting the skin from my face. Why am I so embarrassed? It's no crime to lose track of the time doing something I love. 

It's not a crime to be a procrastinating idiot doesnt make it okay.

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