To Put It Simply

156 3 2

Mark's POV

It took me a second to process him completely.

He was stood there, so panicked and perfect. It seemed impossible to me that he was really looking at me, really furrowing his brows in confusion at my-

You forgot didn't you.

I may have.

Anyone would be curious why you're wearing a scarf on a warm day. And if he questions you....

Then I'll tell him.

Oh really

It's better him finding out from me then from Daisy or one of her million friends. I'm going to tell him today. I'm not leaving until I've talked through this with him.


His voice. It sounds clearer then it did last night.


"Sorry I was too busy being bedazzled by my amazing ironing. Can I?" I glance toward Becca but she had disappeared down the hall.

No backup then.

I step in and make toward the living room area but I can't focus on anything but Jack and the memory of carrying him in to the bed last night.

He doesn't remember.

"Do you want anything?" Becca called from the kitchen.

"No thanks..."

I'm currently full on the thickness of the air. It's almost hard to breathe. I mean what do you say to the boy that you kissed, said you liked, then seemingly had a falling out with and then hurt by kissing someone else publicly at a party. I don't know about anyone else but this situation is completely new to me and I work in game references and jokes exclusively.

"Look I'm going for a walk. Please don't trash the house this is me trusting you okay? You clearly need to talk and the awkward atmosphere is going to make my hair frizzy."

That girl is too trusting. How long has she known you? 

She turns and walks to the door, pausing only briefly to send a worried glance Jack's way.  If I wasn't so busy feeling awful for my actions I'd feel jealous. But I am busy, and now is not the time to alienate the literal blessing who has lent her private home to help two sad gays come to terms with being two sad gays. 

Get on with begging for forgiveness so we can move onto the more interesting part of being in a relationship. 

So now you're all for a relationship? If I remember correctly it was your influence that caused this whole situation. 

And not a soul will ever believe that. Now get onto to grovelling, the angst is making me age prematurely. 

I realise this entire time I've been silently zoned out and while that normally would be commonplace, the current circumstances are a little more awkward than usual. 

I clear my throat and look over at Jack's face, which is so covered in different emotions, picking a single one to worry about is far too difficult 

"I want to figure out how much you remember, then I'll try my best to fill in the gaps. If last night taught me anything it's that you're the person I want to be with.  And that nothing good comes from evasion. So can we agree to be completely honest with each other? Please?"

Jack's naturally pale face showcases his surprise and the sense of comfort it gives me is unparalleled.  I can't imagine ever feeling this way about Daisy. Or anyone else in school for that matter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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