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Marks POV

I've done something wrong. I must have. I thought everything was going well, finally, I had accepted it and he had accepted me and everything was perfect. Maybe I dreamt it. Because as soon as I wake up I know something is wrong. His answers are shorter, eyebrows furrowed when I said that I hoped we could do this again and when I glanced over at him he looked so hurt. I must have done something wrong.

He never liked you.

Shut up please I don't need this right now. I just want to sleep. Forever.

He never liked you.


He glances over and his eyes have tears in them.

This is not supposed to happen. This isn't what I wanted what did I do?

"What's wrong?"

He sighs a little and looks at the floor.

"I'm fine don't worry about me. Just tired."

He hates you.

He thinks your pathetic.

You've ruined everything.

I've ruined everything.

What have I done? I don't remember hurting him. He seemed perfectly happy when we were together. I don't even remember seeing him unhappy once.

"You sure you're okay Jack? You can talk to me y'know that right?'

I've picked up my schoolbag and I'm ready to go and he's not even dressed. I guess he's not going to school today.

"Like I said Mark, I'm tired. I'm gonna stay home today and just sleep. Maybe I've caught the flu or something."

He's lying. He's trying to avoid you. Look at him he looks fine and he was perfectly fine yesterday. Yet suddenly this illness has rendered him incapable.

Doubting him will not solve anything.

"I'm going to come round here after school to see if you're alright. Is that okay?"

Something changes in him.

"I'll probably be asleep but you can try if you want."

Something tells me that it doesn't matter is he's awake or not, he's not going to let me in.

I've done something wrong.

I need to figure out what.

Jacks POV

I hate myself.

For not having the courage to question it, just in case he realises that I know about Daisy. In case he stops acting like he cares. I need him to care.

He doesn't care. He's going to hurt you, he's going to hurt you so badly and NOTHING will stop it. Delaying it will only make it worse.

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