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Marks POV 

My bedroom feels smaller than usual, I cant help but compare it to Jack's room. My bed is less soft then his and the pictures from last years trip to Canada on the wall look pathetic in comparison to his wall's overwhelming glory. My jeans lay over the end of the bed and my trainers are haphazardly piled by the door. I'm far from ready to leave and the party starts in half an hour. 

Going to this party may be one of the very worst ideas I've ever had. I have absolutely no energy to be around people, much less go to a party where people will judge me on what I drink, what I wear and who I hang out with. 

You're only mad because Jack isn't going.  

Is that so bad? Wanting to be around someone isn't a sin. And honestly if the only person I ever spoke to was him I would be satisfied. I'm not going to apologise for my feelings. 

But he doesn't reciprocate them. You forget why he wasn't in today. He's probably disgusted by you. Don't dwell on him. You're in high school go out and have fun. 

A party with Daisy and her friends is about as fun as eating my own hand. I would rather sit in my room and dwell on things I can't change. At least then maybe I'll figure out how to fix whatever I caused.

You've never sounded more pathetic. Get over yourself. He rejected you, the same way you rejected Daisy. You didn't care for her feelings so why do you expect Jack to care about yours?

Jack hasn't rejected me; he said he liked me. We kissed and I've never been happier. I think it would have hurt less if he'd just rejected me. At least I could explain his actions and I could move on. I need to understand.

And I need to escape your horrific habit of replaying scenes that hurt you because if I have to see one more exaggerated memory of Jack crying I'm going to tear your eyes out.  

I'm only going because I don't make promises I don't keep. But as soon as things become to much I'm leaving. Which most likely means I'll be around for a grand total of 5 minutes. But at least I will have gone. 

Jack's POV

I feel like shit. My bedroom is just a reminder of Mark. I see him laying on the bed, his eyes crinkled as he smiles; I see him standing in the doorway, silhouetted by the hall light, only the faintest outline of his front visible; I see him slumped at the top of the bed looking at the TV, the light shining in his already bright eyes. Then I see his phone laying on top of the dresser, Daisy's name glowing like a beacon. I feel my heart break all over again. I felt the pain of realising that I wasn't special. Of realising that she probably kissed his lips long before they even said my name. That kind of history is irreplaceable I'm not important. And then my room begins to feel so very small. Like everything has shrunk. The bed is uncomfortable. The TV is too bright. Everything is overwhelming. Why did I agree to this stupid party? 

He's probably dating Daisy and she was calling to ask how the prank went. But then she invited you to the party because she felt bad that you fell for it. 

And this makes me want to go to the party how?

Show her you're unaffected. Show her that you didn't actually like Mark. Then maybe people will continue to respect you. You have quite a few years left here if you get that scholarship into the college you want and you don't want to spend it being 'that gay boy Mark accidentally broke the heart of.'

I don't want to be in this country anymore. I want the comfort of rainy weather and warm rooms and knowing where I'm going and knowing everyone. I'm sick of feeling. 

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