Chanyeol (EXO)

639 15 6

• Written by Admin Baekhyun

The way he snarls his teeth to the way he chews up his predator, everything about him you can say is dangerous but do you know what's really deep down inside that beast's heart? Of course you don't because everyone who dares to get near him will end up shredded into pieces or will be gulp down in just a few bite. You can't exactly blame the boy, it's just natural for them to protect their soulmate and family. That's right, Park Chanyeol, the one who imprinted and me, the one who's the one who eventually also fell for him. I never believed in fate or destiny and all that made believe until I met the werewolf that somehow wandered into my heart. I've witness him slaughter an innocent old man once, he begged for mercy but in return he only got a gruesome death. Chanyeol travels at lightning speed and has the strength of a million male body lifters combined. Both of his human and wolf form leaves you breathless just with one glance and that's his charm.

Everything about him can make one girl do anything and everything for him without even noticing that their endless love for him will just lead them to their end. The way a smirk would form on his face when he traps his prey, his husky voice that melts hearts within seconds, his muscly and tall figure, his facial expressions, his deep cute laugh. Everything about Park Chanyeol makes me lose my insanity, even the dark side of him. The side where he murders people without a hint of guilt or remorse, where he laughs at the endless amount of bones piling right next to him, where he plays with other people's feelings just to make his hunger ease down. Then again there's also the bright side to Chanyeol, the side where he would make me lean my head onto his shoulder as we watch the sunset together, where he would carry me to bed when I sleep on the couch waiting for him, where he would do everything just to make me feel comfortable, where he looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes as if I was going to leave him, where he cries when I get mad at him. The amount of innocent lives that has been taken away because of a single appetite is not in any sort of way acceptable but no one would ever wish to be like him. To live a life where everyday you have to think of how many lives were taken away because of you, ripping flesh, hatred from people, and loneliness. That's probably why he treats me like a princess.

"You know, you're like a miracle that somehow became mine?"

"Yeah? And how so?"

"Because no one in their right mind would ever love a inhumanly insane beast like me."

He's right, no one in their right mind would but I guess I'm just crazy huh? Because I really fell in love with you, Chanyeol. So much that it hurts my heart to see you beg for forgiveness after killing a person, I know you didn't mean it but you did. Another innocent life has been taken away and part of me know that you'll never be forgiven by the world but somehow you're always welcome back to my


"I can't even control my feelings, I can be tormenting a human being in one moment without a single guilt but at the same time. I know that a little bit of your heart is breaking inside."

The fresh flesh ripping and the blood oozing out as it mixes with the person' tears dropping down. No one deserves to die like this, not even criminals and no one deserves to be like Chanyeol. I would be lying if I said that it was okay with me that he's taking away people's lives but I know that he cannot control it and I'll have to accept him for whoever he is. Have I ever mentioned how protective he is? Oh boy, I remember this one time when I fell down and my knees started to bleed. Nothing triggers a werewolf more than a fresh wound with blood gushing out and at that time I was with Chanyeol, I gulped down.


That's all he yelled before ripping off a bit of fabric from his shirt to bandage my injured knees. It was right then and there that I knew he was the one. Chanyeol didn't even flitch once at the scent of my blood and all he was focused on was me and me only. I talked to him about that a couple of times and he'll say the same thing to me every single time.

"Because you're my one and only, no one can replace you if something may happen to you. So I have to treasure you for the longest time."

Who would've thought this innocent and charming Park Chanyeol is also the murderous and cold hearted flesh ripping beast? As much as I hate calling his werewolf form Park Chanyeol, but I knew he's the same guy.

He stepped into the house while looking at the floor with his feet shuffling on the ground and I knew something happened,"How many?"

I sighed with a small fake smile but he could read straight to me,"Just one and I buried him like you wanted also he killed over 13 girls. I'm trying to only feed on the bad ones...even though I know you're still disappointed."

His genuine frown and tears brought my heart to quiver a bit. I could never be mad at him

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