Chanyeol (EXO)

546 15 11

• Written by Admin Kookie

With my old guitar

I was walking past the music room when I heard the voice of a girl, she was singing. I stopped and looked through the window of the room. I saw the girl I has a crush on. Her name was (y/n). She had (y/h/c) hair that was a little longer then shoulder length, black glasses, and always seemed to wear all black. I must have been standing there for awhile because eventually she noticed me and smiled shyly. I smiled back and pulled the door open.

I walked in and said,"You have a really nice voice...Maybe sometime I could play guitar while you sing?"

"How about you meet me here tomorrow at this time and we can do that,"(y/n) responded shyly.

"Okay! I will let you get back to practicing then,"I left the room.

The next day I entered the music room to find (y/n) already there waiting for me.

"Hi (y/n),"I stated as the door closed behind me.

"Hey Chanyeol,"(y/n) said awkwardly.

I smiled,"What song fo you want to try singing?"

"Any song that you and I would both know,"(y/n) looked me in eyes.

"Okay....How about....Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy?"I asked.

"Sure!"(y/n) smiled widely and nodded.

I'll take all the confessions I couldn't say

As time went on (y/n) abd I sang more songs together and I found myself falling more and more in love with her each time. I could never come up with the right way to tell her I loved her and plus I didn't know if she shared my feelings. So I never told her when we practiced together. I chose to hide my feelings deep down inside even though it hurt me.

All the things I swallowed inside

More time passed and I still couldn't tell (y/n) how I felt. The longer we spent time together the more it hurt that I couldn't get myself to tell her.

God do I hate myself! Why can't I do this?!

I did notice something though. The more time we spent together the more (y/n) smiled. She smiled a beautiful smile and I loved it, but I couldn't tell her that either.

And tell you right now as if I made it into a song

"Hey (y/n)?"I looked at her.

"Yeah Chanyeol,"(y/n) looked back at me.

"Would...Would you want to hang out with me sometime?"I looked at her face.

Her (y/e/c) eyes looked big in shock.

"I...Yes,"(y/n) nodded. "I would love to."

That night was fun, but I also pretty much helped (y/n) friendzone me.

Just listen, I'll sing for you

The next day at school I met (y/n) in the music room again. Once I entered I saw (y/n) smile. I smile in response. I sat next to her and took her hands in mine.

"(y/n), I have something for you,"I said.

"What is it?"I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Instead of you singing for me I would like to sing a song for you,"I let go of her hands and pointed at her. "I will sing All of Me."

I love you so much but I don't tell you that I love you

When I finished singing the song to her I don't think she understood why I sang it to her.

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