Kris EXO (romance)

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Dedicated to @ExoticLuhanKpopper sorry for taking so lonnnnngggg !!! Mianhamnida !!!

My birthday was coming up soon and I'm not letting Kris ruin it !!!

Yes Kris was my long term enemy since primary school, we hated the thought ad the sight of each other too bad we had all the same classes together

I was currently giving out my invitations to my birthday party, I wouldn't say I'm popular but I do have a few friends

After giving out my last invitation I felt a tap on my shoulder "erm tae yun-ah" I heard Kris say, I rolled my eyes and turned around, I looked at his face he didn't look like normal normally everytine he sees me he's growling or scrunching his face up, but now he looks like he used to when we were actually friends a while ago "errr hi" I said awkwardly

"Do you think I would e able to come to your party?...........not that I care" he said I rolled my eyes "if you must yeah just be at mine at 8:30pm" I said and he nodded and walked away

Wow that was wired he has never been nice like that to me in 12 years!!! (you are 18 on your birthday a.k.a today !!! Kris is already 18 btw)

-------------time skip------------

The party had started and all my guests was here, well except one Kris.....i guessed he wouldn't come to be honest.....DINGDONG

My doorbell rang? I went to the door and opened it to see Kris in a tux, well my party was going to be a fancy one :)

Hi eyebrows raised as he looked at me from head to toe "wow taetae you look great!!!" he said "wow it's been a long time since you called me that" I said confused by his actions, why is he being so nice? "This is for you" he smiled giving me a small white box an walked right past me pushing me out the way *i knew he would do that* I thought smiling to myself

I looked into the box and there was a beautiful necklace in it, it was a locket, I opened it and it had 'tae yun' on one side and 'kris' on the other "what are you tryin to say to me kris?" I said to myself quietly

"I'm trying to say to you that I love you" I heard a voice from infront of me I didn't dare to look up so I just stared at the locket trying to make the person think that I didn't hear "I know you heared me" he sighed, he grabbed my waist and pulled me in gently and liftin my chin up so I can see him "taetae I love you, be mine?" he asked me, our faces were millimetres apart I could feel his warm breath on my cold skin

"How do I know your not just takin the mick to embarrass me at my birthday party?" I said raising an eyebrow, he smirked and pulled me closer, I knew what was going to happen but I was to slow to pull away, I felt a warm pair of lips touch mine, it took me a few unites to realise what was happening until I started to kiss him back, I quickly pulled away so I could just think carefully about what just happened, I looked back up at him

"Since when did you-" "since the start of the year, when I saw you first I thought you were beautiful, you had changed so much during the holidays" he cut me off as he kissed my cheek

"I know you still hate me but I don't hate you I love you Taetae please be mine?" He said hugging me nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck "I love you" I mumbled "wait what!!!!!?" he said looking at me straight in the eye smiling "I....erm...i..i love you too kris" I smiled

He pulled me in for another kiss, just in time I heard slow dancing music come on "since when did I tell the dj to put slow dance music in the playlist?" I questioned "well I made a request" he smiled kissing my cheek again

"Will you dance with me?" He said holding out his arm "obvcourse I would love to" I said taking it, he lead me to te middle of the dance floor and the spotlight was on us

"You look nice in a tux" I complemented Kris "do I really jagiya?!?!" he asked but he shrugged "Naaahhhhh! This is not my style" he winked


Annyonghasaeyo !!! sorry for taking so long!!! sorry it not as childish as planned but I really hope you like it !!! Saranghae ❤️ !!! please vote+comment!!! Requests still open !!! 😉

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