Zico BlockB (smut)

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Dedicated to Yeolsingqueen!!! I hope you like it !!! ^^ and yeah it can be awkward asking for a smut but there's no need to be shy with me! ahaha I won't judge you for asking for a smut ! lol :3



I just finished my shower and washed my face and brushed my teeth, at the moment I just put my head down and gathered my hair up to put it in a bobble, I lifted my hair back up again and I saw zico behind me in the mirror "oh my god!!!" I said shocked putting my hand on my heart "you almost gave me a heart attack!!!" I exclaimed and hit his chest playfully "mianhae" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck "hehe that tickles" I giggled and he chuckled biting my neck a little "ow" I whined "what are you doing?" I said to him turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck "just kissing my beautiful jagiya what's wrong with that?" he said pecking my lips and I giggled "you know we havnt done it in a while" he grinned and I playfully hit his shoulder "eyyyyyyyy" I said and he chuckled moving around and turning the shower on "join me?" He said and I shrugged "maybe" I winked "come JB jagi you know you want to" he said playing with the bottom of my shirt "okay then" I smiled "this is why I love you seoyoon" he smiled lifting my shirt off and started to kiss my neck "hmmm I love you too" I moaned closing my eyes and I felt a smirk crawl up on his face as he but into my skin leaving a purple Mark, I started to unbutton his jeans and he chuckled pulling them down himself and you could see his boner through his boxers "this is how you make me" he whispered in my ear as he pulled down my shorts and he pulled off his shirt "well at least I'm doing something right" I laughed as he unclipped my bra and he kissed my breasts, I moaned a little and I felt him smirk again as he pulled down my panties, I played with the hem of his boxers and he laughed pulling them down he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked into the shower, as the warm water fell onto my back I shivered a little and that's when it all began

Zico started to kiss me passionately and I kissed him back, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I denied teasing him, he smiled and entered a finger in me, I gasped and he didn't take a moment long to up his tongue in my mouth as his fingers pumped in and out of me getting faster by the minute (of second) a tear soon fell from my eye and he noticed so he massaged my breast with his other hand to keep my mind off of the pain, and balancing me inbetween him and the wall so he wouldn't drop me or I wouldn't slide down because of all the water, "are you okay?" he whispered "mmhmm" I answered lost for words because of what he was doing to me, I soon chummed in his hand and he chuckled "good girl" he said kissing my neck and then Licked his fingers, he positioned himself at my entrance and looked at me I nodded and he entered me slowly, at this moment I wish he would at least go faster but I was quite glad he was going slow because a tear fell before when we was only fingering me "mmmm jagi faster" I moaned "as you wish" he chuckled going faster "oh my go zico" I moaned lifting my head up "yeah babe" he said kissing my neck as he went faster "ughhhh babe your soo tighttttttt" he moaned into my neck "mmmm" I said as my back arched "zico I'm-" "me too" he cut me off before I felt him fill me up and we both moaned together "that was great babe, so worth the wait" zico chuckled and I giggled nodding as he put me down and I almost fell "erm I for think I'm going to be able to walk for a while" I laughed awkwardly "that shows I did a good job" he chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck "let's wash up" he said getting some soap and running it on my back, we both washed each others back and I still couldn't walk so he lifted me up bridal style and put me on the bed as he lay beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist "how about a round two?" he chuckled and I hit his shoulder playfully


Yeah sorry it's a bit short I literally didn't know what to write off so I just made something up ahahaha sorry if it's bad :/

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