Mark GOT7 (fluff+dirty)

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Dedicated to Tiffanychung9 !!! I hope you like it !!! ^^


"So do you want to go to the fair later?" Mark asked me as we were laying on he couch in the dorm watching tv, the rest of the members went out because Mark and I havnt seen eachother in a while and they thought we should have some time alone together "yeah sure, anything to spend more time with you" I smiled up at him as he leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips "good" he said smiling leaning in again and kissing me once more but this time it went deeper than intended and instead of a small quick peck it become into a long passionate one "yahhhh hyung we have children here!!!!" Jackson said walking in with the rest of the members from their little shopping spree "oh hey tiff" he smiled waving at me "hi jackson" I smiled back "Tiffany noona!!!!!" BamBam said running in and sitting on the same couch as Mark and I "hi BamBam" I laughed at his childishness "is Noona coming to the funfair later?" Yugyeom asked sitting on the armchair "ne~" I smiled "yayyyyyy!!!!" the rest of the members celebrated "we brought some soondae

(Idk how to spell it)

By the way for you guys to eat" JB said placing the packet on the coffee table infront of us "gomawo" I smiled opening the packet and eating one "jagiyaaa~" Mark cooed and I looked up to him to see him pouting, I giggled and put a price in his mouth "mmm taste almost as good as my jagiya" he smiled kissing my forehead "ewwww" Jackson said "I think I'm going to barf" youngjae joked "hyung your so cheesy" jr said facepalming "okay then when you guys get girlfriends let's see how you act with them, I guarantee that you will have some cheesy and corny moments" he said an we all laughed "when we going to he funfair?" I asked everyone and they shrugged then all looks at JB "what?" he asked "you take the longest to get ready, what time do you think we will leave by?" Mark asked and he shrugged "I don't know and FYI, that means for your information, Youngjae takes the longest, not me" JB said "and you wait till he is done and then you get more accessories for some unknown reason" BamBam says an we all nodded in agreement acknowledging his statement "well it's 1:30 now, we should get there at about..........3:00" he said and we all nodded getting up "where are you all going?" he asked and we all looked at him like he was stupid giving him them are-you-stupid? Looks "to get ready" "DUH" Jackson added on the end and we all laughed

"Hmmm what should I wear?" I said to myself looking at the stuff I packed in my bag "wear one of my shirts, you look cute in my shirts" Mark said walking back in the bedroom from the bathroom and kissing the side of my head "hm! okay" I smiled opening his closet "which one........." I said scanning over all the shirts "this one" he said taking out a football jersey that was black and had white writing that said New York and the number 33 "okay thankyou" I smiled at him and went into the bathroom to get changed, I coupled the shirt with my light blue shorts which you could hardly see from under the shirt because the short completely covered them! it looked like I have no pants on! that's why I tucked a bit of the shirt in on the side of my shorts, I put my red converse on and my outfit was finished! I walked out and Mark wasn't there so I figured out he was at the door or something so I walked out the bedroom and saw the members waiting at the door "are you waiting for me?" I questioned and try shook their heads, I looked over how many head there were and there were only 5 "JB and Youngjae missing?" I asked and they nodded sighing "HYUNG HURRY UPPPPP" BamBam and Yugyeom whined in unison "were donneeeee!" JB said smiling coming out of his and youngjaes room triumphantly "finally!" we all cheered and walked out the door "but we have to wait for youngjae to finish his shower and get ready" JB said "UGHHHHRAGHHHHH" we all groaned coming back into the dorm

After a few million years of waiting for youngjae we finally got to the fun fair and it had everything you could wish for "wow this place is so cool" I said in awe "you never been here?" Mark asked and I shook my head "never had the time" I shrugged and jumped on Marks back as he motioned me to get on, Jackson walked up to us and went to whisper in marks ear, all I could hear was the first part which he said "I dare you........" and I couldn't catch the rest, he pulled away smiling "good luck" he whispered in my ear and walked away "for what?" I murmured to myself "what did he say to you?" I asked Mark and he shook his head and I saw a grin plastered on his face "what ya smiling about?" I said smiling back at him "nothing, you will see soon" he said and I nodded "you want and popcorn or candyfloss?" he asked and I nodded my head like a child and he chuckled at my childishness

We are a load of popcorn and we won a few prizes like teddy bears and candy from the basketball shooting game that Mark won about 3 times "let's go to the ferris wheel" he said while a grin crept up on his face "what's with the mischievous grin?" I asked and he shook his head "hi I'm mark" he said nodding at the man and the man nodded back, he went to lean in to whisper in marks ear, he pulled back and Mark nodded pulling me into the Ferris wheel cart/room thingy


The guy leant in to whisper in my ear "you have 20-30mins" he said and pulled away, I nodded and looked at Tiffany and smiled at her while I dragged her to the cart/room thingy of the Ferris wheel


We got onto the ferris cart and I sat down next to mark, the cart was shaky at first so I got a little scared and held onto Marks arm, he chuckled and rubbed my hand reassuring me everything will be okay, I got used to the shaking and it stopped at the top I felt a finger on my chin and I turned to mark, almost instantly his lips crashed onto min, he put one of his hands behind my neck to deepen the kiss and his other hand on my cheek, my hands were tangled in his hair, he gently pushed me down on the seat and he crawled on top of me "so" I kissed him again "this was the dare" I kissed him again "Jackson said to you" I said and he nodded "to have Ferris wheel sex?" I giggled and he nodded kissing my neck and biting a little "that's gonna leave a mark" I murmured and he chuckled as he lifted my top off and kissed my stomach "we only have about 30 minutes up there so let's make this quick" he said while unbuttoning my shorts "*cough* *cough*" I said motioning his shirt "you want this off?" he questioned smirking and I nodded pulling it off of him

~(cause you didn't say smut i won't write the smit in this if that's okay? ahahaha sorry) time skip ~

Our bodies were sweaty and naked and the cart starte to move again "shit" I cursed and hurried to get my clothes on, Mark put his hands out of the cart and shook his hand and it stopped "now you don't have to worry" he smiled kissing my neck as I put my underwear and shorts back on "now get your clothes back on" I laughed turning around and kissing him "are you done yet?!!!!!!" I heard Jackson scream at the top of his lungs "yeah!!!!!!!!" Mark screamed back and the art started to move again "that was amazing babe" he said as we sat back down "I know" I giggled as I leaned my head on his shoulder, the cart got to the bottom and we got off and walked up to the boys "have fun?" Jackson winked "yah!" I exclaimed as I slapped his chest playfully "I'll take that as a yes" he laughed "yah!!!" I whined "here have some popcorn" JB said "thanks" I said eating it "welldone" I heard them all whisper to Mark "I heard that!!!" I exclaimed and they all laughed "don't worry babe round 2 will come later" Mark winked putting his arm around my shoulder "yah!!! aish" I sighed out of embarrassment

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