Jr GOT7 Pt1

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Dedicated to unfortunate_misfits!!! I hope you like !!! thanks for requesting!!! hope you like !!! Saranghae !!!


The bottle landed on me and I sighed heavily "well it's good for you !!! you already have a boyfriend to kiss !!!" my friend laughed "yeah but it's gonna be really weird and awkward !!!" I laughed, the dare that she gave was going to go to the person the bottle landed on AKA me, there dare was starting the next day in the morning you have to kiss your boyfriend 100 times and if you don't you get a punishment but if you win you get a 'prize' "ok so your punishment for not doing it will be that we will not allow you to kiss Jr for a while week and we will tell him for you so he understands !!! oh and you can't tell him that what your doing is a dare or that will be a failure also !!!" she smiled "and if I do win all of you have to confess to your crushes !!!" I smiled back a really evil grin "but they are all in the same group as Jr !!! that would be really weird !!!" They all complaine "does it look like I care !!! I have to do something really weird and embarrassing cause of you guys" I laughed and try laughed to "it's not our fault it's the bottles !!!" they said pointing at the bottle and we laughed "you have to use your famous cherry Chapstick for this little experiment also" my friend Jasmine (ME!!!! :D ) winked and I sighed

We all got dropped back off to our hones and I was the last to get to the GOT7 dorms cause I was staying there tonight and I was currently trying to get Jasmine to stay too "come on please" I begged "why ?" she laughed "I do want to" she whined "the. I'll tell jackson you have a crush on him !!!" I said while a grin curled on my face "ughh fine" she sighed "YESSSSHHHH" I laughed "don't be so happy now I can terrorise you ahaha" she laughed and I sighed "fine" I smiled as we got to the dorms "wait I don't have anything to wear !!!" she exclaimed "you can use one of mine don't worry !" I smiled dragging her to the door, *KNOCK KNOCK* I knocked on the door an it was opened to see a very smiley JB "Oh hello _____ (you didn't the me your name so I didn't know what to put on) and oh hi Jasmine" he smiled at us and gave us each a hug "anneyong" she smiled an we walked in "just sit here the guy are still at the studio" he said while signalling u to sit down "why are you here then?" Jaz raised an eyebrow smiling "oh because try said because I work so hard I can go early" he said getting us drinks "kamsamnida" we said in unison and drank our drink "no problem" he smiled, we were talking an talking about our du an how it's been until the others finally got back

"Anneyong _____ and Jasmine !!!" BamBam exclaimed "anneyong !!!" Jasmine smiled giving him a hug an he came to give me one too, after they all gave us hugs and we all greeted eachother we all sat down and watched some television while we were talking still about our day, I was sitting on Jr's lap and Jaz was sitting with Yugyeom talking because they were the closest even tho Jaz was about a year older than him but she hates being called Noona so they act like they are the same age and I see that Jackson wa giving her little glanced and smiling to himself "are you ok jagiya?" Jr said kissing my head "AHHHH PDA!!!!!" the Maknae line including Jaz screamed covering their eyes "oh shut it" Jr laughed "I'm ok thankyou how are you" I smiled "great now that I have seen you" he smiled "ewwwww so cheesy!!!" Mark said

----------------time skip--------------------

I was woken up by a receiving call I have been getting for the past five minutes and I tried to ignore it but I can't "anneyong" I said with my morning voice "wow you sound tired" Jaz laughed "YAH" I attempted to tell slightly not trying to awake Jr next to me "how are you awake so early?" I asked "the Maknae line including Jackson woke me up, and oh I told them why you have to do" she said and I sighed "for forget your cherry Chapstick!!! I put it on the side table next to you before" she said and I looked over and as mentioned it was there "wait you were in here!!!" I exclaimed "yes and you snore really loud no wonder he gets no sleep!!!" she laughed "yah I don't snore!!!" I growled "technically you do Noona sorry" Yugyeom and BamBAm said in unison "see" she said "fun in starting now bye" I sighed putting down the phone and putting my cherry Chapstick on, I started just kissing his cheek about 20 tones before he started moving 'cone on 80 more!!!' I thought I kissed him about 5 more times until he started to giggle "jagiya that tickles" he laughed kissing me in the lips 5 times in little pecks "what are you up to?" he raised an eyebrow "nothing" I smiled kissing him 10 more times but this time on his forehead and getting up, I walked into the kitchen and I saw the maknaes and the elders eating breakfast "what number you up to?" Jaz asked "about 40" I smile as she raised her eyebrows "OMO NONO ALREADY?" she said "you really didn't think your plans through if you" I said and she sighed an looked down

--------------------------50 kisses later-----------------------------

"10 more until your little confession" I grinned and she pulled her young at me and I gasped like in shock "how dare you treat your Unnie like that !" I said dramatically "awww your so cute jagiya" he came up to me and kissed me "9 more now" I winked at her "please stop showing PDA" she whined like a 5 year old "aww Jaz your so cute too!!!" he smiled kissing her forehead "eeeeeeewwwww" she said wiping his 'germ off of her head' "oh Unnie your not wearing your cherry chapstick!!!" she noticed grinning at me "oh sh*t" I said "AGAHAAHAHAA YOU FAILED AHAHAHAHAHAGA" she laughed evilly "YAH" I yelled "it's part of the challenge and if you didn't do it you loose" she grinned "fine" I sighed, great now a whole week without my boyfriends perfect kisses !!! how will I survive!!!! *says dramatically*


Ok done finished finally !!! hope you liked it !!! please vote an comment !!! requests are still open !!! Saranghae 💙

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