KRIS EXO (sad but happy ending ^^)

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Dedicated to KeyBum !!! I hope you like it and I hope it's long enough for you !!! ^_^


Diary entry 1

Is it true? I don't know what to think ! is he really cheating on me? surely not! he's not that type of person ! This rumour about him and Amber 'Krisber' is driving me crazy!!! fans keep telling me he is and those are the ones who are mean sometimes but the fans who are nice to me say the same thing! if only you diary can talk......i really need to talk to someone who knows all and I mean all of my thoughts and feelings like you, should I break up with him? should I confront him? what should I do?

From Diala xo

Seriously this was making me go crazy !!! this has been going on for a while now...... But seriously should I break up with him? should I ask him? ughhhhh what to do. what to do.


"Babe you in there?" Kris said opening the door slightly "yeah I'm right here" I said smiling at him as he came in "what's up?" he asked sitting beside me on the bed "nothing ! why?" I said looking at him as he raised an eyebrow at him "are you sure?" he asked "yes why what's the matter?" I asked getting a bit worried now "it's just you have been a bit quite recently, you have hardly talked to me all week, is there someone else?" he asked looking at me in the eyes, his glare felt like he was burning a hole in my face "obvcourse not why would you think that!!!" I exclaimed shocked by his question *why would he think that?* I asked myself "okay" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead "okay" I smile at him as he left our room

---------------------------afternoon before bed--------------------------------

Diary entry 2

Kris has been acting weird....especially after that awkward talk this morning. has there been rumors about me with another guy? no I have researched about me and no one has said anything about anything, what is he suspecting? I wish I could read his mind *sigh* I wish I could just sit down with him and just talk but it's a bit hard for me, I'm shy even infront of my own boyfriend and everyone can admit he's a little scary cause he's the 'cold guy' I wish I could talk with someone....maybe I could talk to one of his members and see how he's been acting these past few days...maybe they know something they have a day off tomorrow and kris said he wants to go see his family so I will make some plans with Chanyeol or Kai and Baekhyun or maybe Luhan so I could talk with them...... I really need to know what's going on

From Diala xo

I called Luhan : (bold is you)


"Hi lulu oppa!!!" I said cheerfully

"Oh hey dia!!! how are you? what's up?" He said also sounding very cheerful

"Yeah I'm okay are you doing anything on your day off schedule tomorrow?" I asked

"No not really ! wanna hang out? havnt seen you in ages!" he said I could hear him smile (don't know if you can do that but oh well !!! :D)

"Yeah I would love too! and could we talk please I just need someone to talk to" I said sounding a little down

"Ok obvcourse !!! would you like to talk now or tomorrow?" he asked

"I'm ok for now but I need to talk tomorrow" I sighed

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