kikwang B2ST (cute)

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Dedicated to @Rita_b hope you like !!!


Today I was Going on my first date with Kikwang, I have liked him for a long time and since he confessed I have loved him ever since

We were going ice skating and he was going to pick me up at 6pm

I took a quick wash and got my short shorts and a frilly red belly top on with my favourite red converse, I put some eyeliner foundation and mascara on

It was 5.45pm I was just on time ! I walked into the kitchen and my umma set out a drink for me "kamdamnida for the bubble tea umma!!!" I shouted

The door bell rang, I ran tithe door an opened it to see a handsome smiling kilwang "hey" I smiled "hello beautiful" he winked, I blushed "awww is my jagi blushing?" he said kissing my for head

"You ready?" I nodded we left the house and took a 30min drive to the ice skating rink

We arrived and was gettin out skates on "you done this before?" he asked "errm...errrr no" I sighed "don't worry I'll keep you safe" he hugged me

We got onto the ice and I at least fell over 5times, for the first time I was actually skating thetn........"AHH!!!" I feel over but this time I fell on my front
"Oh jagi are you ok?!?!" Kikwang said while pulling me back up a tear fell from my eye and I shook my head

"You will be ok" he said hugging me and kissed my cheek but I turned my head so it was on my lips, kikwang turned bright red and BOOM he fell over !!!

I started to laugh my head off "yah! Jagi that was your fault!!" He said getting back up "my fault?" I laughed "yes for kissing me" he smirked "now you r going to pay" his smirk now went up to his ears

"Oh really how?" I grinned, he pulled me forward almost making me fall and pulling my in tight for a passionate kiss

"Saranghaeyo Rita" he said

"Saranghae Oppa" I said back pulling him in for a hug


Done !!! I know it wasn't my best one but I hope u like it Rita !!! please read vote and comment !!!! request still open ;) Xxx <3 I know its Short Mianhamnida :( x

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