Taehyung/V BTS (Sad But Happy Ending)

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Dedicated to _galaxyarmy !!! ^^ thankyou or requesting ! Sorry if it's a little short !

It was midnight and Taehyung just came in from practice with the rest of his group BTS, as he walked in he had a frown and didn't even look at me........not even a simple smile, he went upstairs and packed his bag, he came downstairs with a suitcase and a duffel bag "Taehyung what's going on?" I asked "Maggie (I don't know if I can say Maggie instead of Margarette, I didn't ask you if that was okay but I hope it is ^^) I can't do this anymore" he said putting his bags down "what do you mean?" I asked on the verge of tears "I'm breaking up with you Maggie" Taehyung said looking at me straight in the eye, then the Niagara falls came plummeting down from my eyes "wae? wae?" I cried "Maggie I just don't love you anymore?" he said "so in our year relationship.......you never loved me?" I said looking in his eyes and he nodded "I'm sorry maggie" he said giving me one last hug "don't touch me" I said pushing him away "Maggie I'm-" "no your not!!!!" I screamed "all through our relationship I actually thought you loved me!" I cried "I guess I was wrong........" I said walking away "Maggie wait..." he said "no go. you don't love me remember?" I said at the top of the stairs "I'm sorry........." he trailed off "I have and will always love you........" he mumbled but I couldn't hear as he left the house through the door

That night I self harmed, to take all my pain away but it didn't work but it helped a little, just enough to get over the feeling about Tae leaving

~ 2 years Later ~

I carried on self harming, everyday of the years that have gone past, I wore long sleeves in the summer and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.........huh.........they clearly don't know what a broken heart can do to someone like me.......lets see what they do if they had experienced what I had, I never saw Taehyung after the incident, not in the mall, not in the market, not at school, not at practice, no where......its like he had evaporated into thin air. I walked around in the mall looking for more clothes like long sleeves to cover my arms but I needed more shorts and thing to help me not get too hot. in the end I got some floral pants and pastel colour shorts and a floral thin jacket and a few more long sleeve shirts, I got back home and I could feel something was different, things were misplaced and the smell was too fruity "what's going on?" I asked myself as I heard muffled cried coming from the kitchen "god I hope this isn't a scene from in the grudge" I said to myself as I walked into the kitchen to see Taehyung holding something "what are you doing in here!?!!!" I yelled "why? Maggie why?" he cried turning around holding the knife I used to self harm "did I cause this?" he said putting the knife down, I nodded and I could feel the tears coming up "I'm so sorry" he said hugging me "I thought saying I didn't love you anymore was an easier option than just leaving" he cried into my shoulder "what?" I asked pushing him away so I could see his face "I had to leave to America with BTS for a tour and a small holiday, I couldn't leave you alone for so long............so I broke up with you" he said "I never thought I would cause you to do this" he said pulling up my sleeves

"im........so..........sorry" he said kissing my cuts after every word "I came back to maybe make you take me back, now I would understand if you don't want me to stay.....you can tell me to leave or-" "no" I cut him off "pleases don't leave" I saying starting to cry again "I won't...shhhh........" he said hugging me as I cried into his shoulder "I always have loved you and I always will" he said kissing my forehead as he pushed me away as he took my hands as he put a ring on my finger "this is a promise ring........" he said as he pushed it on my finger "I promise I will always love you and I will never leave............." he said kissing my hand "unless you take this off" he said kissing my forehead "I wont" I said "I love you Maggie" he said giving me a long sweet kiss "I love you too" I smiled into the kiss

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