L.Joe (romance)

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Dedicated to kpoplover870!!! Sorry for such a long wait Mianhamnida!!!


After a long long looonnngggggg plane flight we finally arrived at *drum roll* Hawaii!!!! Me and my newlywed husband L.Joe and yes the L.Joe from teen top went to our honeymoon and the beautiful place called Hawaii! "ugh finally!" I exclaimed getting off the plane and feeling the warm gush of air in my face "*chuckles* you okay jagi?" L.Joe said to me intertwining out fingers together as we got on the bus thingy to the terminal, I nodded "yep! I hate planes!" (sorry if you like planes) I exclaimed sitting down on a chair and he laughed "my ears hurt" I pouted and he smiled and pecked my lips "that's why they have you earplugs in the mini bags in the chair" he said and my eyes widen "What!!!" I exclaimed an people started to stare at me, I rummaged through my bag and found the mini bag in the pocket I looked through it and found a tiny plastic bag with earplugs in "I'm so stupid" I face palmed and laughs at my stupidness "why didn't you tell me instead of hearing me whining for most of the way?" I pouted at him again "sorry baby" he pouted back and pulled me in by my waist and pecked my lips again "EWWWWW" a little girl said who was sitting with her parents "sorry" I said blushing and pushing L.Joe away from me, he pouted and I giggled siting back down on my chair, the cart stopped and we got off and went to go get our luggage.

As we stood by the thingy that goes around with your luggage on top I felt two arms snake around my waist from behind me "what are you doing?" I giggled turning my head around and looking at him and he shrugged "can't I hug my beautiful wife?" he said pecking my cheek, I blushed and looked back trying to spot our luggage "isn't that your bag?" L.Joe said pointing near the end of the thingy "OMO!!!" I exclaimed and ran after it, thankfully someone took it off before it went back in through the mini door "thankyou so much" I smiles out of breath "no problem" he smiled and gave me my suitcase, I turned and looked back at L.Joe and he was laughing so much he was on the floor, I pouted and stomped my way up to him "don't laugh at me" I pouted "I'm sorry-pfahahahahahaha!!!" he laughed in my face, I got angry an turned away from him an that soon made him shut up "jagiiiii.." he whined an I still wouldn't look at him "jagiyyyaaaaaa!" he whined like a baby but I still didn't answer "I'm soweeeeyyyy!!!" he said hugging me from behind "hm!" I said looking away from him and e ran around in attempt to make me look at him, he pouted. I looked at the thingy again and started laughing "what?" he said and I pointed, his eyes widen and ran after his suitcase, I ended up laughing my ass off at him, he got his suitcase on time an walked back to me pouting like a child "what?" I said and he held his arms out "no" I smirked "pwease?" he pouted, I sighed and hugged him "yayyy!" he celebrated and I giggled "saranghaeeee" he said kissing me which I gladly returned "yeah yeah okay now let's get to the hotel!" I laughed

~ at hotel ~

"Wow it's so pretty!!!" I exclaimed running into the room finding a huge double bed and a balcony that overlook the ocean "I thought you would like it" L.Joe smiles putting our suitcases in the corner of the room "you picked this room?" I asked and he nodded i ran up to him happily and hugged him, he hugged back and picked me up and span me around "thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!" I kept constantly saying and I have him continuous pecks on the lips, he laughed "anything for you" he smiled "can we go to the beach?!!" I said like a 5 year old girl "of course!!!" he smiled "yayyy!!!!" I giggled and jumped around on the bed, I ran into the bathroom and put my bikini on under my clothes, I walked out the bathroom and saw him already at the door waiting for me "leggo!!!" I smiled and we walks out and went to the beach

~ at beach ~

As we got to the beach I immediately ran to the ocean giggling like a 5 year old, L.Joe laughed at my childishness and sat ours tuff down near a bench chair, he soon followed me after in the water "hey jagi!!" he said "yeah?" I turned around just to get a mouthful of sea water, I soon spat it out, I looked at him and he was laughing "oh it's on" I grinned splashing him so he got a mouthful too. we spent about 20 mins splashing each other with water. "can we stop now? I'm tired" he chuckled walking up to me "I guess..." I said smiling as he snake his arms around my waist and hugged me, he looked at me in the eyes and kissed me and I kissed back, he pulled away and smirked at me "what?" I said raising an eyebrow, he lifted me up and I squealed, he threw me in the water and his hand got caught in my bikini strap and it came off "omo!" I said lifting my head over the water "OMO I'm so sorry jagi!!" he said looking for the top half of my bikini "it's okay" I said, he picked me up bridal style covering me so no one could see, he put his arm over where my bikini strap would be so it was disguised so no one suspected anything, we got back to where our stuff was and he passed me a shirt "thanks" I smiles and put it on "no one sees my jagis boobs but me" he said and I blushed "your lucky I brought a shirt!" He laughed and I giggled "thankyou baby" I smiled pecking his lips "saranghae" I smiles hugging him "Nado saranghae" he smiled back and pulled me in for another passionate kiss "EWWWW!!!!" little kids screamed and I pulled away quickly blushing as L.Joe just laughed.

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