First Day

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The Cafe went from calm to chaos in a snap.

Everyone stood and raced for the counter to put away their plates. Everyone was tripping over everyone just to get out the door.

Juniper, Izzy, Nico and I stuck together. But pretty soon Juniper branched off since she had a different schedule while Izzy, Nico and I started to head to Beginner Herbology. An announcement was made saying that the kids who had Herbology were excused for being a little late, since it was in the Garden.

We all raced to our bikes and started to pedal down the path to the Neighborhood.

I hopped off my bike and leaned it against my porch then took off for Herbology, knowing Nico and Izzy were right behind me.

When we reached the Herbology door, the random door on the far left of the Garden, I looked at the black haired teenage boy and the little, light brown haired girl.

"You ready?" I asked, still trying to catch my breath. They nodded and then we walked inside.

I was instantly greeted by the scent of plants from everywhere. And we were actually inside a greenhouse, with the place being made entirely of glass. I could see the garden from the entrance and the surrounding forest.

"Awesome," I muttered.

There a long table placed in the middle of the large greenhouse. All of us kids stood around the table, probably hoping we were doing the right thing.

Then a girl that looked like she was in her late teens walked in. She was wearing a simple outfit with blue jeans and white t-shirt. She had straight, red hair and bright blue, intelligent eyes. I could see some grass stains on the knees of her worn out jeans and on the edges of her shirt, but I could also see that she didn't even care.

"Hey, guys. My name is Professor Haley and I'm a Beginner Herbology teacher of Terra Arbor. I teach about all of the plants of the world and how you can use them in your Beginner Potions for Professor Risma, who is your next period. I'm sure that most of you are probably afraid and confused on what this whole place is about. But you'll learn all that in HIstory with Professor Aleza. I'm just here as your first period teacher to assure you that you have come to a good place," She gave all of us a kind smile.

"So before we even start to learn, we need to know each other. Name, age, what you think about Terra Arbor, so far and how you came here," She looked to her right to a blonde haired boy with blue eyes. "You first,"

The boy took a deep breath, definitely a little nervous. At least I was in the middle of his row so I could have some time to calm myself down.

"I'm Will Stone, fifteen years old. I think that Terra Arbor is pretty cool, not gonna lie. And I came here by a friend," And it kept going. In front of me was Hunter Fields, Karina Gardener, twin sisters Leah and Sarah Hope, twin siblings Joshua and Sasha Newman, Zandra Montgomery, Kelli Challenger and Tyler Simms. Then it got to me, Nico, and Izzy. Then the other row.

After the last person, the bell rang. Professor Haley had a clipboard out and after scribbling down a few more words she looked up at all of us with a smile.

"Well. Nice to meet all of you. You are dismissed," All of us stood and started to walk out the door.

"Well that went better than expected," Nico smiled.

"Next is Beginner Potions, right?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah. Let's go," We all got our bikes and started to pedal down the secret path back to the Academy.

And a couple people in the front had a race, including Sarah and Leah Hope or as people started to call them, the Hope SIsters. Leah won in the end but Sarah was a good sport about it.

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