||Chapter 6||

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I woke up the next morning with Scorpius asleep next to me. He looked really peaceful when he slept. So I let him sleep for a little more while and I got up to get ready. Ugh another day of classes. Probably won't bother Scorpius, that won't. He is such a nerd. But to be honest, its really cute when he gets really excited about something.
After sometime it was time to get up if we wanted to make it to breakfast. "Scorpius! Scorp! Get uppppppp. Its time to get up." I said.
He made some weird noises and then got up. "Is it morning already?" He asked. I laughed. "Yeah. You gotta get up!"
He mumbled gorggily, "Yeah. I am. I'll meet you in the Great Hall in five."
"Alright. And do not fall back asleep."
Saying that I proceeded to go to the Great Hall.


I had already starting eating when Scorpius came from the dormitories and sat down next to me. We sat and ate in silence.
Weird. Scorpius never shuts up during meals. Why is he so quiet today?
I looked over at Scorpius curiously. He was just staring at his food and not eating it. Now I'm really concerned. Scorpius loves the food here. What is wrong today?
"Scorpius," I said "what's wrong?"
"Hmm? Oh, its nothing. There's nothing wrong." He replied.

I was still not convinced but I didn't push him.
The day went by like usual and soon everybody was down for dinner. I couldn't see Scorpius anywhere so I went up to the Common Room to look for him.
When I reached, he wasn't there.
So I decided to try the dormitories. I found him there. Crying quietly on his bed. I immediately hurried over to him. "Scorp? What happened? Please tell me what's wrong." I asked.
"T-T-Today is Mother's b-birthday. Its the first one we've had with her you know.....not there." He replied.
So that's why he was so upset. Scorpius really loved his mother but she had passed away some time back and he really missed her.
I went over to him and engulfed him in a tight hug. He gladly returned it. We held on tight for a few seconds and then pulled back.
"Come on," I said "let's get your mind off sad things."
"How?" He said.
I smiled. "That is a surprise."


My father had told me about this room called the 'Room of Requirement'. Now, I hadn't actually gone there and I didn't know if it would actually work but I really wanted to try. So I decided to take Scorpius there, to cheer him up.
I got to the seventh floor and saw the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Now I'm supposed to think about what I need, three times, walking in front of the wall. I need something that will cheer up my best friend. I waited for a while. Nothing happened.
"Albus? Why did you bring me here?" Scorpius asked.
"Its nothing. Lets go back, Scorpius."
I started to go towards the stairs, with Scorpius in tow. He was still looking really flustered.
"Why don't we go to the library for a while, Scorp? That is one of your favourite places." I said.
He immediately lit up. "Ooh! Yes I wanna go the library."
I smiled as he led the way to the library. We went in and he rushed to his favourite spot which was next to a window.
We each got a book from the shelves and settled down comfortably. Scorpius was reading intently while I wasn't really that interested. Occasionally he would smile or laugh cutely at something that was written. What a nerd. "Hey Scorp? Whats the book about?" I asked.
He said," Oh its about a girl who goes on a journey to find some crazy things for a potion to save the princess of her kingdom."
(A/N Yes I am talking about The Potion Diaries. I recommend it. Its really good.)
I laughed. "But there's got to be someone else there too right? You always read cheesy romance novels."
"I do not." He said.
"You do too!"
"You do."
"Fine I do. But some of them are genuinely good! You should try it sometime."


Time flew by really fast. It was soon time to go back to the dormitory. "Come on Scorp. We gotta go back now."
I got up to go and was taken aback when Scorpius suddenly engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug.
"What was that for?" I asked him, feeling curious.
Scorpius rubbed his neck nervously," Well, I was absolutely down in the dumps a few hours ago and now I feel so much better. Thanks Albus."
"What are best friends for?" I said.


"Al? Can I sleep with you again? Please."
"Um sure."
And we slept peacefully.


Hello ma peeps.
Unfortunately, this is gonna be the last update for a while. I have exams in like 2 days and they'll end by the end of September. I am so scared. Wish me luck.
Updated: September 11, 2016
Word Count: 812

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