||Chapter 9||

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War of Hearts by Ruelle. DOES ANYONE ELSE HEAR MALEC?

Anyway here's a chapter.


"But why do you have to go?" I asked Scorpius. He had been living at my house for a week and was going to his own house now.

"I'm sorry Al, but I want to spend some time with my Dad too."

"Yeah, okay. So I guess I'll see you back in school."

"Yes, you'll see me then."

And just as he was about to go out the door, I stopped him and gave him a hug. Then I stepped away to let him leave.

I was blushing. Why was I blushing? He's just my friend, nothing more. Right?


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful except for James coming back home from his friend's. It was later at night and I couldn't sleep so I came down to the living room and sat on a sofa in front of the fireplace, when James came down too. And he sat down next to me. We sat quietly for a while and then he spoke.

"So Albus, how's school been?"

"Fine I guess."

"Do you like anyone at school?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean as a girlfriend."

"Oh," I said as realization hit me. "It's weird but I've never really liked any girl at school."

"Eh, maybe you're just a late bloomer or something. Or maybe you don't swing that way?"


"You know maybe you don't like girls. Maybe you like boys?"

I thought about it. Lately the feelings I felt towards Scorpius were definitely not platonic. So was it that I liked him as more than a friend?

I said," Hey James, would you hate me if I did?"

"Of course not! You're my little brother.

However annoying you are, I could never hate you!"


Then James smirked and asked me," So who do you like?"

"I'm not gonna tell you!"

"Fine, then I'll guess. Is it that blond guy in your class?"


He threw a few more random guesses and then said," Oh I know! Is it Scorpius?"

I blushed," Yeah."

" I knew it! So are you gonna tell Mom and Dad that you're gay?"

"Yeah, I think I should. I'll tell them tomorrow. You'll be there with me right?"

"Of course. You don't need to worry. I'm sure Mom and Dad will understand."

"All right. So I'm gonna head up to sleep now."

"Yeah, me too. Good night."

"Good night."


I woke up the next morning, feeling lighter after my conversation with James the previous night. And then I went downstairs to talk to my parents and James accompanies me.

"Mom, Dad. I need to talk to you."

Mom said," Sure honey. Harry come over here! Albus wants to talk to us."

"Yeah I'm coming," Dad said as he came. "What's up?"

I said," Yesterday I was talking to James and I realized something. You should know..."

Mom and Dad looked at me expectantly.

I took a deep breath,"I-I think.....I'm gay."

"Gay?" Dad said.

"Yeah as in you know, not straight." There was a small silence.

And then I spoke," Please don't hate me."

Mom said," Oh Albus, no! We don't hate you!"

Dad said," Of course not. I'm really proud of you for accepting yourself and coming out."

Mom said to me," Me too. We love you, Albus and nothing can ever change that."

I was touched. "Thanks Mom and Dad. I love you guys too."

Dad smiled, "Now son, if you don't mind me asking. How did you find out that you were gay? Did you like someone at school or..?"

James smiled devilishly, "Oh yes he does."

"James!" I said.

"Oh, c'mon Albus. You gotta tell Mom and Dad!"

"I can't. You tell them."

James sang, "I know who it is...Should I tell you guys? Should I not?"

Dad said," Oh c'mon. Just tell us!"

James said, "Why don't you guys guess?"

Looks like they've made guessing who I like a game now.

I said, "All right, I'm gonna head up to my room. Bye!"

"Bye son. We'll keep guessing."


I went down for lunch after a while.

"You like Scorpius!"

"What? Mom! So you guessed, huh?"

"On the first try," she said proudly.


"Just a feeling."


"But Albus, we really are very proud of you."

"Thanks Mom."

"So are you going to tell him?"

"Tell who? Scorpius?"


"I can't tell him! He doesn't like me back. If I do, what if he reacts badly?"

"Well, it's completely up to you if you want to tell him but its not like he'll ever stop being your friend."


"Okay. Let's eat now."


It's only been a few days at home. I love spending more time with Dad but I really miss Albus. I can't wait to see him again when I go back to school.


Hey guys! How was this chapter? Comment and tell me! Also I am incredibly hyped for PINOF 8 yayyy. It comes out today!! I'm so excited.



Updated: November 29, 2016

Word Count: 810

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