||Chapter 18||

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Sorry kids there's not going to be any smut //yet//.
Also I'm completely messing up the calendar so sorry about that.

The past few weeks have been amazing.  I love being with Scorpius. But we haven't told anyone else yet, and have been sneaking around. Which has also been kinda fun. But we're getting exhausted of it. And so we decided to tell our friends today.
"You ready?" I asked Scorp.
"I don't know. How will they react?" he asked worriedly.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine. We don't have many friends anyway," I said.
Scorpius laughed, "You're right. Let's do this." And he reached down to give me a quick kiss.
"Okay, so who do we hit first?" he asked.
"Scorp, we're not killing anybody. But I say- James."
"Jamie! Cool."
"I have no idea why you call him that."
"It annoys him."
"Good reason! I'm gonna do the same."
We started walking towards the one place that James is, on Saturdays. The Quidditch field.
We reached them and scanned the grounds for him.
We spotted him and gestured to him. He walked over
"What do you losers want?" He seemed annoyed about something.
"What's up with you?" I asked him.        "Callahan, you know our Keeper, he's not getting along with anyone and keeps on picking fights."        
"Just kick him off the team."
"But he's an excellent Keeper," he whined.                     
"Well, I don't know then. Anyway we have something to tell you."
"Shoot. I don't have much time."
"Albus and I, we're um, we're- well.."    "Just say it, Scorpius," James said.
"We're dating!" I exclaimed."Oh. Eh. I saw it coming."
Saying this, he ran back into the field, leaving both Scorpius and I shocked.
I laughed, "Well, I did not expect that reaction."
"Nor did I," said Scorpius, laughing as well.
"That was easy. And who's next?"
I said "Rose" the same time Scorpius said "Charlie".
"Oh, not Rose! We have the history."
I scoffed, "Please, she won't mind."
"Argh, fine."
We went to the one place you can always find Rose on a Sunday. The library.
We saw her sitting at a table near the potions section. We went over to her table and sat down on either side.
"Hey Rosie-Rosie-Rose!" I greeted.
She sighed, "What do you want?"
"Nothing, we just have something to tell you."
"Let me guess....You and Scorpius are dating."
Our jaws dropped. How had she guessed?
Scorpius asked, "How did-when did- how did you know?"
"Oh, please. Its obvious! A few weeks ago, Al was going to talk to you about how his feelings, and now you both wanna tell me something. What else could it be?"
"So you're okay with it?" Scorpius asked her.
"Alright, then our work here is done," I said.
We said goodbye to Rose and made out way to the Hufflepuff Common Room where undoubtedly Charlie was present, pestering someone. And we were right. There he was, talking animatedly to a girl next to him.
He noticed us and gestured us to come over to where he was sitting. We did.
"Hey guys! What's up?" he asked.
"Nothing much. Except we have something to tell you," Scorp said.
"Ooh, what?" he asked excitedly.
The girl next to him took this as an opportunity to escape and quietly slipped away.
"Albus and I are dating."
"WHAT? When did this happen? Never mind when it happened, its great!" he said.
We laughed at his reaction. Scorpius had said that he might react in this way. We exchanged glances. Charlie was still rambling.
"Oh my God, I so ship it!" he said.
Now I was confused.
"Ship it?" we said in unison.
"Oh yeah, its a fangirl term."
"Fangirl?" I asked.
Charlie shrugged, "I'm muggle born."
We didn't wait for a further explanation and just said bye to him and went away.
We both entered the Slytherin common room and collapsed on the couch near the fire.
"This was actually fairly easy," Scorpius remarked.
"Very easy."
"So, when are we telling our families? Do you think it'll come as a surprise them that you're gay?"
"Well, no. Cause I already told them."
"You did? Me too!"
"So, do we really need to tell them about us now?"
"I guess not. We could tell them over the summer holidays."
"Okay. So what are we doing right now?"
"Going for a walk around the school. Come on lazy pants," Scorpius said as he dragged me up with him."
We were walking when I grabbed Scorpius by the hand and pulled him into a broom closet nearby. Scorpius had no time to start a sentence before I had pressed him against the door after locking it. I looked at Scorpius for half a second before hastily closing the gap between us. Scorpius had no time to react before I engulfed his mouth in a desperate kiss. I tilted my head to get a better angle and rested my hands around the Scorpius' waist, pulling him closer. Scorpius tangled his hands in my hair and started to kiss back. I slid my hands from Scorpius' waist to his back and ran the tip of my tongue along his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Scorpius slightly parted his lips. I allowed my tongue to explore Scorpius' mouth, licking along the roof, making him shiver slightly. We continued like that, the hot sliding of tongues making our heads spin. We were both lost in the kiss then I felt two hands on my hips pushing him away slightly. I pulled away and rested my forehead against Scorpius'. Scorpius looked down slightly. "D-dinner..we'll be late.." he said quietly, still panting. I grinned slightly and nodded, pulling us out of the closet, and heading to the hall after making sure there was no one outside the closet.
So did you guys like this chapter? Also thank you to ammunitionpml for helping me out with this chapter! She's a wonderful person and you all should check out her phan oneshots, they're amazing!
Updated: May 16, 2017

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