||Chapter 12||

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I sat in the Great Hall, picking on my food. I had to admit I was a complete mess. I hadn't eaten anything for days. I talked to nobody. Why? Because of Albus Severus Potter. Why did he have to go and get himself hurt so badly? What am I gonna do if he-he doesn't m-make it? I was drowning in my own thoughts when...
"Hi! Can I sit here?"
I looked up to see a boy about my age, in the Hufflepuff scarf, with light brown hair, almost blond but not quite and grey eyes.
"Well um, it is the Slytherin table. But sure." I replied.
"Oh I don't really care for that whole 'sit at your house's table' thing. Its not like I have many friends in Hufflepuff anyway."
"Oh so you have friends from other houses."
"Not really, no."
He then extended his hand towards me and asked, "What's your name?"
I took it and said, "I'm Scorpius."
"Cool name! I'm Charlie."
I tried to smile a bit but failed miserably.
Charlie noticed. Thankfully, he didn't say anything.


It was later when I was sitting in the library all alone when Charlie saw me crying silently and came over.
He said softly, "Scorpius, what's wrong?"
"Its-its Albus."
"I'm sorry, I joined Hogwarts just this term, so I don't know him."
"He's my friend. My closest friend. My best friend." And just thinking about him, brought a smile to my face. But then I remembered, and my face dropped again.
Charlie waited for me to go on. I didn't want to but I said, "He got injured pretty badly and he's in the infirmary under Madam Pomfrey's care. But he m-might not ma-make it." My voice broke.
"I'm really sorry to hear that, Scorpius. I'm sure he'll get all better in no time. But till then, you have me."
I didn't say anything.
Charlie spoke up again, "Have you visited him lately? Do you want to go now?"
I nodded. I really wanted to see him.


I sat near Albus's bed, while Charlie stood nearby.
"Wow he's really cute." Charlie murmured from behind me.
I looked up at him questioningly.
He then said, "Oh, I'm bisexual by the way." When I kept staring, since I was feeling a bit possessive of Albus for some reason, he remarked, "Don't worry. You're really good looking too."
I blushed at that. This guy had no filter whatsover. Nevertheless, I liked him. He seemed like a good person.
I went back to looking at Albus. He looked so beautiful. He was so beautiful. And I really really wish he was here with me right now. I miss him. So much.
"Um so do you want to talk to Madam Pomfrey about him?" Charlie asked.
I replied that yes I did and he went to fetch her.
When Madam Pomfrey came, she said, "I'm afraid I have bad news, Scorpius."
I froze. "What bad news?"
"Albus's condition hasn't improved much over the past week. After much speculation, we have decided that he will have to be moved to St. Mungo's for better treatment."
Why was this happening?
"But will he get better?"
"We're not sure. I'm sorry Scorpius."
There was silence for a while, then she informed me that the Potters were at the Head's office. She asked me to tell them about her decision to move Albus to St. Mungo's. I was reluctant at first but obliged.
I went to the Head's office just as the Potters were coming out of there.
"Scorpius! Do you know what happened to Al?" His father asked.
"I'm sorry Mr. Potter. He was too weak to even speak properly. I don't know."
I looked at Mr and Mrs Potter. They looked horrible. Like they hadn't slept in days. I wonder if thats how I looked too.
"Oh we're just so worried about him. Have you been to Madam Pomfrey? Do you have any news?" Mrs Potter said.
"Er actually I do." I replied.
They looked at me in hopeful anticipation.
"He is-," my voice broke, "he's going to be moved to St. Mungo's."
I couldn't take it anymore. So I said 'sorry' to them and ran out of there.
"Oh Scorpius! Here to say goodbye to Albus I see." Madam Pomfrey said.
"Yes. Only its not goodbye forever. Right?"
"Well I certainly hope not."
And I watched as she readied Albus to go to St. Mungo's.
And I walked away from there as fast as I could.
At this point, the only thoughts that entered my mind were about Albus. Was he gonna make it? How was he right now? What if he doesn't make it?
I went inside the Potions class and concentrated on studying. Work is the best way to avoid thinking of sad things. And it was then that Professor Slughorn came in, bringing with him a cauldron full of a love potion.
He addressed us, "Well, good morning students! So today I have brought a potion that I'm sure you will be very interested in. Can anybody tell me which potion this is?" My hand went up automatically. "Ah yes Scorpius!"
I said,  "It is Amortentia, a love potion. It is supposed to smell differently to every person according to what love is to them."
"Very good, my boy. Now I am going to give you the chance to see what it smells like to you. Go ahead."
I wasn't really very curious to know but I went anyway. I took a big whiff of the potion. Hmm, it smelled of vanilla and something minty and.....
Oh Merlin's beard! I know that scent. I'd know it anywhere.....
It smelt like Albus.
Hey guys! My exams were over so I decided to update! So what did you think of the chapter? I'm actually really proud of this chapter. Pls vote and comment.
Toodles! (I have no idea why I say that)
Updated: January 15, 2017

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