||Chapter 13||

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I couldn't believe it. Albus? I mean....I don't like him that way. I think.
Professor Slughorn's voice brought me back to reality. "Well, get back to your place now Mr. Malfoy."
I shakily backed away from the cauldron and got back to where I was sitting.
We had double potions that day. Charlie glanced at me worriedly. He knew something was up.
"You haven't spoken a word since you got back from the potion smelling thing. Is something wrong?"
I replied quietly, "No, I'm..... I'm fine."
He wasn't convinced but didn't push further. I appreciated that.
We didn't speak much for the rest of the class. Just continued brewing the potion we were supposed to make.
Soon, class was dismissed. I gathered up my things and left as fast as I could. Thankfully, Charlie didn't follow me or try to stop me. I just wanted to be alone right now to think over the events of the past hour. I was still pretty shocked. It was Albus's scent. I'm completely sure it was. I opened the door to the common room and stepped in. Taking my spot in front of the fireplace, I started doing my History of Magic homework, putting off thinking about....you know what. Plus I had a lot of homework to get done. Professor Binns had asked for a three page essay. Ugh, I hated History of Magic. I couldn't wait to drop the subject next year. I had written only a few lines, when guess who sat down next to me? Yup it was Charlie. I muttered a hello then got back to my work.
He said, "Hey I noticed you'd been acting kinda weird ever since Potions. What's up?"
I sighed, "It was the love potion."
"It was pretty cool, wasn't it? You're so lucky you got to smell it. Wait..is that what's left you so shaken up? What did you smell?"
"It's okay if you don't want to tell me."
"No, it's okay. You just caught me off guard, thats all. It was a familiar scent. I know the person."
"Wow! So that person would be like your soulmate or something right?"
He didn't wait for a reply and smirked, "Was it me?"
I laughed, "No!!!"
"Well, you said no pretty quick. I'm offended."
I grinned, "Yeah, whatever Charlie. Just can I get back to my homework now please?"
"Sure. I'll help you too. I like History of Magic."
"Seriously? You don't fall asleep like everyone else?"
"Well, being a muggle-born, I actually find magical history interesting. Its better than the French Revolution at least. So to sum it up, no I don't fall asleep."

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I spent the evening doing my homework with Charlie and ate dinner in the Great Hall later. Then as I got ready for bed. But as soon as I hit the bed, I couldn't sleep. So finally, I stopped to think about the love potion and Albus.

Hey guys! I know this update is pretty small but I had a lot of studying to do so I could hardly squeeze in any time to write. But the next will be long I promise! Also the next update will probably come till March, because I have my exams from Wednesday. Yikes. Anyway what did you think about this chapter? Was it any good? Okay I gotta go study *cries because whyyy*
Updated: February 14, 2017

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