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Confetti was flying everywhere

The noise was thundering around me, around us. It was filling my body, rolling over me to the beat of the drums and the yell of Tyler's voice as he screamed out the "hello's" of Trees

Emøtiønal Røadshøw

Texas, I think.

It was amazing.

The whole tour had been amazing, and we  were only just getting started.

I continued to hit the drums as Tyler sang by me. I glanced over at him and, through tbe haze of heat and red and white confetti, I saw a smile crack open his face. He tilted his head to the arena ceiling and laughed.

He had the cutest laugh

He looked over at me and laughed some more, probably still high off the atmosphere of the crowd. I found myself smiling too.

We climbed back on stage and stood together, his arm slung around my shoulder. He gripped me tightly, and I relaxed slightly into him. 

We bowed.

I stared out at the crowd. Still screaming and crying. All so...alive. In this very moment, they were interested in being alive. And that was what mattered. All hard work, the long recording sessions, the short tempers and strained muscles, all that led up to this.

Seeing their smiling faces was enough.

Tyler leaned into the mic. "Thank you all so much. We're Twenty One Pilots and so are you."

The lights faded. The screamed intensified. Suddenly I was exhausted. My head was swimming slightly. I felt a familiar crushing feeling in my chest and fought the shaking in my hands.

"Tyler..." I muttered, not wanting to alarm him.

"I got ya, Joshy. Come on, let's go."

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and together we walked stiffly backstage to the practice tent.

"Here," Tyler guided me to the ground, his hands gently rubbing my back. "Sit here. I'll be back."

I obliged and collapsed to tbe ground, breathing hard. I was drenched in sweat and lightheaded from dehydration. The grass felt blissfully cool and the breeze was wonderful. I sighed and relaxed, enjoying the cold, tickly feeling of the grass on my palms. 

The sound of shoes crunching on the ground brought me back to earth. Tyler sat down, knees popping slightly. We both laughed.

"Wow, I'm old." he smiled and handed me a plastic cup. Still smiling, he brought a pack of oreos into view. "Look what I found!"

I grinned and chuckled. The excitement on his face was adorable. "Score, buddy."

He opened the pack and handed me one. "You know it."

The cups were filled with milk, because you couldn't have a decent oreo snack break without milk. We dunked ours in in unison and tapped our cups together.

"Bottoms up," I laughed.

For a while we munched in silence, just absorbing the comfort of eachother's company. Tyler sat his milk down and smiled up at me.

"You were amazing tonight."

I laughed again. "You say that every night, Ty."

He inched closer. "And I mean it very night. You killed it."

I learned against his shoulder. He felt cool and comforting. His brown hair slicked back and the paint on his neck and hands was starting to run. He looked like a god.

"You know I mean it, right?"

His eyes were filed with concern.

I picked at the grass. "Well, yeah."

Tyler grabbed my hand. "Josh..."

I shrugged and fixed my eyes on my cup. "Well, I'm just the drummer. No one really cares about the drummer."

Tyler sighed softly. This wasn't the first time I had walked out of a show feeling more than marginally less important than Tyler.     

"Without you, Josh, I wouldn't play. I wouldn't be here. I can't get up on that stage and be a hero for all the fans without you by my side, telling me I'm lovely. You are important."

He traced the tree tattoo on my shoulder absentmindedly. 

"I know..." I allowed myself a small smile. "I am pretty fantastic, aren't I?"

"You are, baby." Tyler smiled and flopped across my lap dramatically. He stared up at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling. 

"Oreos, Josh." He brandished one.

"Oreos, Ty." I pulled mine out.

"I love you."

"I love you too."          

//Haha idk wbat that was but i think it was kinda cute (probably not). That was kinda loosely based off that one video on Tyler and Josh eating oreos after a show or something  (it's on YouTube). Any recommendations for the next one?//  

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