Best Friends (pt. 1)

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"I didn't say that! You're not listening again!"

"Oh yeah? What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

"Goddamnit, you never listen! You're so fucking egotistical!"

"That's what you really think, huh?"

"You known what, yeah, it damn well is!"

"Oh yeah? I'm the bad person here, I'm the one who messed up? Is that so?"

"Yes it fucking is! At least now you're not being a lying little shit!"

"You know what Josh....I'm done."

Josh buried his head in his hands. Oh my god, what had he done?

Last night had been a blur. One big, angry, loud blur. He and Tyler hadn't been getting along great recently. The stress of touring, the close confines. Arguements had started happening more and more often, each one spiraling a little more out of control.

Then it had snapped.

Josh passed a hand over his face, groaning low in the back of his throat. He hadn't slept in two days, not since Tyler had packed his bag and left in the middle of the night.

He hadn't answered any calls.

No texts.


"Fuck," muttered Josh quietly. "Oh fuck."

He couldn't even remember whag they had been fighting about. Something stupid, probably.

But he remembered what he said.

How he never wanted to see Tyler again, how touring with him was like living hell, how he was egotistical and a liar.

Every single thing he said stuck in the back of his head like a fly in glue.

Josh clenched his fists. It was 5 a.m.

He missed tyler.

Wearily, he shuffled over to where his phone lay. Turning it on, he saw exactly what he expected.

A blank lock screen.

He was about to throw the phone across the hotel room when suddenly it buzzed, signalling an incoming call. His heart sank when he saw that it wasn't Tyler, but Mark.

"Hey," Josh mumbled into the reciever.

"Joshua William Dun, fuck you."

Rolling onto his side, Josh let out a hard laugh. "What do you want Mark? Now's not a good time."

"You'll bet your ass it's not a good time. Do you want to know who I just got off the phone with?"

Josh sighed, already knowing the answer. "Tyler?"

"Yes, Tyler. And do you want to know what be told me? That you two had had some dumb argument and he was now on a one way train ride back to Columbus."

Josh's heart sank down to his toes. "So...that's it? He's gone?"

Mark exhaled loudly, the sound crackling over the receiver. "Look, Josh...I, well, I never thought this would happen with you two. You guys are like brothers, for God's sake."

Josh sat up suddenly, his misery and resentment bubbling over. "You think I don't know that? You think I'm just sitting here peacefully without a care in the world? You think it doesn't break my fucking heart that Tyler is done with me? Because believe me, Mark, it does. He's my best friend. My best fucking friend in the entire universe and he hates me. And he has every goddamn right to, what I said to him was inexcusable. I treated him like shit, Mark, and he's done. And he has every right to be."

There was a long silence.

Josh felt his throat tighten. Squeezing his eyes shut, he shook silently.

"M-my best friend, Mark...."

A tear rolled down his cheek. Josh brushed it off gently, laughing dully.

"N-not that it m-m-atters now, any-yways. He's gone..."


"What?" Josh asked,voice gravelly.

"He's...he's not gone."

Josh sniffed. He sounded like a little kid again, crying over preschool. "Whaddya mean?"

"You love him. And he loves you, after everything that's happened."

"So?" Josh scoffed. "He left. He said he was never coming back. He sounded pretty damn sure of himself."

"And you're just gonna let him go? You're not even going to try to fix this?"

Josh sighed. "What the hell can I do, Mark? I got nothing."

"Go after him. Go to Columbus. Talk to him. Apologize, for goodness sake."

Josh felt a small sliver of hope. "You think it'll work?"

"I don't know, man. But it's better than sitting alone doing nothing. You guys are too good to go to waste. You love him. And he loves you, Josh. That's the way it's always been and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you guys go now."

//wow I'm updating again the apocalypse us upon uS. Anyhow enjoy this. Sorry for all spelling errors, it's late and I don't speak English good  (hA I'm fluent)

#cheekyspon (I want to kill myself why would I type that aNYWAYS) go and check out my new Joshler fic! It's about totalitarianism and gayness. Give it some love thanksssss//

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