Best Friends (pt. 2)

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Tyler didn't want to think.

He wanted everything to stop moving and breathing and happening right now.

He wanted to disappear into a tiny black space hidden from the entire universe, where it was just him and him and no one else but Tyler Robert Joseph.

His phone was off. Not that he cared. He no longer cared about the boy wirh bright yellow hair. He was just another person to come and go. No one special, jut a memory. A memory Tyler was determined to forget.

Of couse, that was a lie and Tyler knew it.

But he couldn't do anything. He was on a one way train back home. He couldn't bloody well get off now. He had made his choice to leave, and he was regretting it every step of the way.

The squeaking of cart wheels brought him out of his thoughts as the snack trolley rolled up. The lady driving it was a stout, kind faced woman. She leaned down to Tyler and gave him a warm smile.

"Anything I can get you, dear?"

Tyler shook his head. "No thanks," he said in a small voice.

The trolley lady looked at him in concern. "Are you okay?"

Tyler nodded feverishly. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine."

She didn't seem convinced, but pottered away nevertheless.

Tyler ran a hand over his face and through his hair. Every time he thought abiut jt it nade his heart stop. This was beyond terrible, beyond anything. He didn't have a best friend anymore. Josh and him weren't friends anymore. They were done.

The feeling of utter hopelessness just got worse and worse. His breath sped up and his hands started to shake as he gripped his armrest.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God ohmygod," Tyler mutterrd over and over again. But God wasnt listening right now. God couldn't bring Josh back and God couldn't fix this.

Breath catching in his throat, Tyler stood up abruptly and made for the bathroom. Flinging himself onto the toilet, he slammed the door shut and let out a loud, shuddering breath.

What the hell was he going to do next? Continue his life as if Josh had never existed? Try and apologize? Not that Josh wanted to hear from him. The things he had said to him had been pretty terrible. He had told Josh he wished he was dead. You can't just take those kind of things back.

Tyler felt a sob course through his body and he cursed, hating himself for being so emotional and hating himself for what had happened.

"Damn you," Tyler snarled softly at reflection. He turned on his phone to see several missed calls from Josh. "And damn you too." he said, blinking tears out of his eyes.

Hands fumbling, he opened his contacts. He needed to talk to someone, anyone. Someone who would understand, someone who could help.

A name flashed out at him.

Brendon Urie.

Tyler paused for a moment. He wasn't terribly close to the guy, but they had hung out before and Tyler was on good terms with him. Moreover, he was down to earth when it came to things like this.

He pressed the call button and waited, the sound of the ringing filling the train bathroom.

More ringing.

Tyler could feel his heart sinking lower and lower.

Finally a voice crackled into life.

"Yo this is Brendon. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, but you can leave a message after the tone!"

Tyler deflated. The feedback played, then a loud beep.

"Hey Brendon, it's Tyler," he began, voice cracking. "Look this sounds weird, but me and Josh just had a massive fight and I just left him in the middle of Indianapolis. I know we aren't terribly close you know what I can do? Any advice at all? Please?"

Tyler hung up. He hated how broken and pitiful he sounded. He hated it.

In a daze, he left the bathroom. Staggering back to his seat, he slumped down and stared out the window at the buildings flashing by. He barely registered the intercom saying they were an hour away from Ohio. He didn't really care.

His best friend was just getting further away.

He probably doesn't even care. He probably doesn't even miss me, Tyler thought. He's probably having a blast down there, without me to bother him. He's better off without me.

The minutes dragged by and Tyler slipped in and out of sleep. Just when he was dozing off properly, his phone buzzed. It was a text from Brendon.

Go back to him, you idiot. You two are best friends and a fucking fight isn't going to ruin it. He needs you and you need him. So go

// :)) oho what will happen next the suspense of it all

Adding Brendon in there was stretch I legit had to look up who Tyler's other friends were haha oops//

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