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Josh glared at himself in the mirror. He surveyed his face. His red eyes, pale cheeks. He hated it.

He worked his gaze down to the rest of his body. Short. Too short. He looked awkward and small.

Josh gripped the sides of the sink. God, how he hated the person staring back at him.

Josh exhaled slowly, allowing himself to let out all the anger in his body. Why was he so angry?

Truth be told, Josh had no idea why he felt like this. Angry and stressed. And when he wasn't angry or stressed he was usually on the verge of tears. Maybe it was because of the tour. Or the torn muscle in his back. Or the weather. He had no idea.

Josh groaned wearily as he straightened up. Running a large hand over his face, Josh gave his reflection one last hate-filled glare.

There was a knock on the door. Quickly, Josh tidied himself up and unlocked the hotel bathroom. Tyler grinned back out at him.

"Hey! I'm going to go and grab a bite to eat, you wanna come?"

Josh felt himself soften at Tyler's blissfully happy gaze. But even a hundred of Tyler's smiles couldn't take the bitter weight off his chest. He shrugged. "I dunno...I'm kinda tired."

Tyler's smile faded. Frowning, he gripped Josh's arm and steered him over to the bed.

"Alright, out with it." he demanded.

Josh felt a heavy weight sink into his stomach. "Out with what?"

"Why're you acting so strange recently?"

Josh stared at his boots. "I'm not actinf strange," he muttered. God, he sounded like a little kid.

"You haven't spoken to me all day," Tyler reminded him. "When I asked if you wanted breakfast you just grunted. Have I done something to annoy you?"

"What? No!" Guilt swept through his body along with a fresh wave of aggression. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "No, it's not...urgh, I don't know..."

He glared at his boots, willing his voice to stay steady. "I don't know," he muttered.

For a moment Tyler said nothing. Josh was half-convinced he had just decided to leave him alone this time. He didn't blame him. Then, to his suprise, he felt two warm arms wrap around him and pull him close. Tyler didn't say anything as he hugged Josh, merely sat there, waiting. Listening and waiting for Josh. He felt better with Tyler's arms wrapped around him. Safer and braver.


"Yeah, Joshy?"

"I just feel really sad all the time now. I don't even know why."

Tyler rubbed his back in circles, murmuring gently. To Josh's horror, he felt a tear leak out of his eye and trail slowly down his cheek. Something about Tyler's soft motions and warm hug made his heart ache. He missed...something.

"I miss something," he said aloud.

Tyler gently lay down, pulling Josh down too. There they lay, pressed together, Tyler still rubbing Josh's back.

"What do you miss, baby? What can I do?"

Josh felt frusturation well in his throat. "I don't know, I don't know. I'm sorry..."

"Hey," Tyler gently reprimanded him. "You have no need to be sorry. It's okay to feel down sometimes."

Josh relaxed into Tyler's small frame. The smell of him, the feel of him made the ache go away. He smelt of wet plants and sugar and something else.



"Yeah, baby?"

"This is gonna sound stupid-"

"It won't," Tyler assured him. "What is it?"

"I'm homesick. I miss Ohio."

Tyler paused his rubbing for a moment. He heard him give a small, sad sigh as he pulled Josh even closer, head pressed up against his chest.

"I miss it too, Josh. It's hard travelling all the tjne...But we gotta keep going. Think of what we're doing! We get to play sold-out arenas every night! How cool is that?"

Josh laughed quiety at the excitement gathering in Tyler's voice. "Pretty cool,"

"And all the fans. Look what we do for them, what you do for them. They need us just as much as we need them."

"I know..."

Tyler squeezed him tightly. "But it's okay to miss home. I miss home all the time. It's okay."

They sat in silence for a few more minutes. Josh watched the steady ride and fall of Tyler's as he breathed slowly. A dull worry crossed his mind that Tyler was going to leave. He didn't want him to go, not quite yet.

"Ty?" Josh asked.


"Can we just stay here for a little bit?"

Tyler pressed a kiss to the top of Josh's head. "Of course, baby. As long as you need."

Josh allowed Tyler to nestle closer to him. He inhaled deeply, drinking in his smell.


Right now, Josh felt at home.

//so I have no idea where this came from and I kinda hate it oh well. It's just really rushed and boring eew  

The only other things I have written is anew chapter for Second Chances (read my other stories guys)(pls I'm desperate) and another even gayer church themed onshot//

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