baggage reclaim

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Tyler groaned.

Good God, it was late. His stupid flight had been delayed by nearly two hours, and now Tyler was standing outside his house, freezing as he fumbled with his key.

With a satisfying click, the door unlocked and Tyler stumbled inside. Sighing in relief, he breathed in the familiar scent of home and made his way to his bed.

While all instincts tood him to simply flop down and go to sleep, Tyler knew he woukd wake up sweaty and uncomfortable if he fell asleep in his day clothes. Wearily, he set his suitcase down and flicked on the lights, wincing at the sudden brightness.

Tyler sat down on the floor and examined his suitcase. It was a standard, four-wheeled floral patterend one, with nothing too nondescript about it. On the handle read the tag he had got from Boston. Thank God he hadn't lost his luggage like the other people from his plane.

Slowly, his movements made sluggish by lack of sleep, Tyler unzipped the suitcase and started pulling out clothes.

There were a few items Tyler didn't totally recognise, but that was undertstandable, saying as he had been very drunk when be had went shopping. Who knows what freaky stuff he had picked up.

However, even Tyler and his drunken bliss felt his jaw drop slightly as he reached the bottom of his suitcase. The bottom of his suitcase was where Tyler put his pyjamas and other comfy sleepwear, as it forced him to unpack all the way. However, what he was was most definitely not pyjamas.

Tyler felt a flush creep along his neck as he pulled out the articles nestled down there. Amongst many things, thers were seceral lace panties, what looked like a collar and....

"Oh my God..." Tyler couldn't help but laugh as he pulled out a large purple object which he dimly knew to be a dildo and a bottle of lube.

Tyler sat back, laughing loudly and rubbing his face with his hand, the other still holding the lube.

Only he would happen to accidentally grab the suitcase of someone who was transporting lace underwear and, as Tyler sifted through the more normal clothes, a distressing lack of pyjamas. Muttering to himself, Tyler flipped the bag over and checked the tag. Yep, not his stuff. Tyler had figured as much. Even he wasn't that crazy when he was drunk.

The bag belonged to a man by the name of Josh Dun. Fortunately, the tag also bore his phone number, which Tyler promptly called.

Sitting on his floor, surrounded in sex toys and underwear, Tyler couldn't help but find the irony of this hilarious. He was nearly in tears of laughter by the time the receiver crackled with the sound of a man's voice.


"Hi." Tyler fought back a snort. "Is this Josh Dun?"

"The very same," Josh responded. "Who is this, may I ask?"

"I'm Tyler Joseph, you don't know me though," Tyler snickered. "Anyways, I was just calling because I think we were on the same flight- the one from Boston- and we....well we switched bags..."

There was a slight pause. "Oh!" Josh finally exclaimed, a hint of embarrassment in his voice. "That explains a lot, actually."

Tyler moved the phone away from his mouth and let out a short guffaw. "I was wondering if we could maybe meet up and exchange the....stuff,"

"Yeah, yeah, absolutely," Josh sounded faintly mortified. "Does the cafe by the A&R bar sound okay?"

Tyler smiled. "Totally. I'll buy you a coffee. You seem like an...interesting guy,"

Josh laughed uncomfortably. "Um, yeah....sorry about what you found- if you found anything. I, uh, promise I'm cool and I won't be creepy or anything."

This time Tyler laughed into the receiver. "Don't worry man, I've seen worse."

Tyler could almost feel the surprise and curiosity in the silence on the other end. Oh well, that could be a conversation for tomorrow.

"So," he said abruptly. "Shall we say 5 p.m? I hear there's a cool new band playing at the club that we could check out. If you're not doing anything at night, that is."

"Um- I think I'm free, so sure, sounds great. Thanks so much."

Tyler smirked at the surprise and confusion in Josh's voice. Man, for a guy toting a eight-inch dildo around, he certainly wasn't very smooth around other men.

"See you then, bye!"

"Uh, bye!"

Tyler hung up the phone and leaned against his bed frame, still grinning. He looked down at the lingerie in front of him, and couldn't help but wonder how Josh looked in them.

Well, he'd find out tomorrow, that's for sure.

//heLLO sorry I disappeared I was traveling but I'm back now and hopefully will be writing more frequently

I had a really good story idea, something about Tyler being Amish. I'll follow up on that sometime soon

Have this holy oneshot. Concept from @holyjosh (I love their au's they're so good ahhh)//

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