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"Hey, hey! Tyler!"

Tyler jerked out of his daze, his attention returning to his friends. Frank was idly eating a banana, making eyes at the relatively cute red-haired sophomore across the room. Brendon was staring at him in disgust.

"C'mon dude," he groaned. "You're looking at him again."

Ah, him. Joshua William Dun, the biggest fuckboy in the school. Notorious for his one night stands and causal hookups, he had broken more hearts than anyone in the entire town. Nearly everyone, boys and girls, had uttered the phrase, "I'd let him fuck me," at least once. He was the definition of an asshole.

Too bad he was a highly attractive one.

"Am not," Tyler grumbled, returning his gaze to Brendon. Of course he had been, just like most lunches when his eyes just so happened to find their way to where Dun had lunch. Sometimes he swore Dun looked back at him and even smiled.

"If you find him so hot, why don't you just talk to him?" Frank asked lazily, smirking at the sophomore. "Speaking of hot, woulda look at that kid over there..."

Brendon rolled his eyes. "Shut up Iero, he's an underclassmen. Anyways, Tyler..."

Tyler mimicked Brendon, sighing heavily. "What? I can look at him if I want!"

Brendon frowned. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it abruptly, his eyes widening at something behind them. Bith Tyler and Frank turned around.

Tyler felt his cheeks burn as none other than Joshua Dun sidled up to their table, plopping himself down next to Tyler.

"Mind if I join you?" he drawled, not looking at Frank or Brendon. Tyler, after a long moment of hesitation, shook his head jerkily. There was no denying Dun was hot, that was for sure.

"Make yourself at home," Brendon muttere, hauling Frank off the bench. "Me and my friends need to go now though, if you don't mind. Tyler?"

Brendon shot him a pointed look which he carefully ignored, turning his attention to the half-eaten food on his plate.

"Nah, I'm good." he said calmly. "Gonna finish up. Catch you in class, yeah?"

Brendon narrowed his eyes but didn't protest. Tyler watched their backs retreat out of the lunch hall, then returned his gaze to the food on his plate. He could feel Dun's piercing gaze on his neck.

"Hey baby," Dun said smoothly. "I don't believe we've met before. I'm-"

"Josh Dun," Tyler finished, still not looking up. "Everyone knows who you are."

Josh's breath was on the back of his neck practically as he pressed onwards. "Well, I don't know you. But I'd love to deepen our relationship, if you know what I mean."

God, he was terrible. Tyler cleared his throat pointedly, finally looking Josh in the eyes.

"No thanks," he snipped. "I don't know what you have."

Josh frowned. "Hey now, no need to get touchy. I don't 'have' anything."

Tyler nodded condescendingly. "Definitely. Let's see....you've slept with Bob right? Yes, of course you have. Fun fact, did you know he was taken out of school last week cause he got syphilis?"

Tyler couldn't help but smirk as Josh's suave demeanor melted into one of mild horror. He watched as Josh frowned again, running his hand lightly over his cheeks.

"C'mon, babe, why so uptight?" Josh's voice was like honey, smooth and sticky. "Live a little!"

Tyler made a faint noise of disgust in the back of his throat and ignored Josh, despite the fact that his hand was slowly inching it's way forwards Tyler.

"I bet you're a screamer."

"Oh-kay!" Tyler couldn't suppress his blush as he stood up abruptly, pushing both his plate and Josh away. "So this was a great chat...."

He made a move to leave, expecting Josh to give up and look for some more innocent students to harass, but to his amazement the blue-haired teenager grabbed the sleeve of his shirt, holding him back.

"Please?" he almost whined. "Just one night? You're really cute."

Tyler tried not to pay too much attention to the compliment, despite the fact it worked its way underneath his skin. He snorted again.

"Tell you what, Joshua."

Josh grinned. "What, baby?"

Tyler made a face. "Take me out to dinner this weekend. Be a gentleman, act like a civilized teenager and not an outrageous fuckboy. Show me that you're more than 2D and I'll sleep with you, okay?"

Josh's eyes widened with excitement. "O-okay! I can do that!"

Tyler tipped his head at Josh. Almost instantly, his manner seemed to have changed from callous and arrogant to happy and genuine. Huh. Weird.

"I'll start right now, in fact," Josh declared, looking proud of himself. "All sexy stuff aside, you're really cute. You have gorgeous eyes."

Tyler wished he hadn't blushed as much as he did. It only worsened when Josh leaned in, giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek. Josh grinned cheerily.

"You'll love me! Everyone does!"

Tyler watched in near amazement as Josh ran off, blue hair and bomber jacket flying.

That boy was something else.

//there will be a part 2 bc I love fuckboy but really just pure Josh with all my heart. Also many thanks for like 5.3k reads that is a lot I love you all sm!💞//

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