church boy

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"All rise, please."

Tyler watched as the congregation arose in one fluid motion, the noise of quite babble and feet shuffling temporarily drowning out the sound of the organ as it played a jaunty melody. He tried to ignore how his hands shook as he gripped the preacher's stand. It was host first time leading mass without the assistance of Father Way, but that wasn't why he was so nervous.

The cause of his nerves was waiting in the wings, hovering in the corner of Tyler's vision as the town slowly filtered out of the church, pausing only to bless Father Way and drop a few coins into the donation box. Tyler swallowed slightly as the cause of his nerves slowly crept forward.

"Hey," the cause of his nerves greeted him, his voice so soft it was like he was exhaling out the word. Tyler felt his stomp clench and unclench, like a heart pounding. Father Way ambled back to where the two of them were standing. He gave a smile to Tyler and a slightly confused, but genuine all the same, one to the person standing next to Tyler.

"Will you boys be okay in here?" Father Way asked, still frowning at Tyler's companion slightly.

Tyler opened his mouth to speak but was abruptly cut off.

"Yes, we're all good. Thank you father."

Father Way nodded and slipped off into his private quarters. Suppressing a groan, Tyler motioned for the boy standing beside him to follow. "Come on,"

The boy didn't move. "What, no hello? No greeting whatsoever?"

Tyler sighed impatiently. "We already know each other, Joshua. Why bother with formalities?"

The boy known as Joshua Dun smiled in a manner that could only be considered devilish. "Well yes, but...we never talk at school. I want to get to, ah, know you."

Joshua edged a step forward, becoming officially too close to Tyler. Backing up and holding his hands out in an attempt to fend him off, Tyler sighed, a trifle louder.

"There's a very obvious reason for that, Joshua."

Joshua tipped his head to one side. Playing innocent. "Why, Tyler Joseph?"

Tyler muttered a prayer to God before Turing around sharply. "Because, Joshua, you are a slacker who wears nothing but leather and spikes, smokes, drinks and has probably had more sex than showers. I, on the other hand, am a conservative God-fearing man who is about as popular as HIV."

Joshua frowned. "But we're not in school. We're in the house of God."

Tyler turned away. "Like you even believe in him," he muttered under his breath.

Too loudly, apparently. Joshua's frown deepened. "Just because I dress like I dress and fuck who I want to doesn't mean I can't believe in God, you realize."

Oh yes, Tyler thought. You're also gay. Forgot about that. Not that that bothers me, but definitely something worth noting.

"Whatever," muttered Tyler, trying not to blush. "Do you want your bible or not?"

Every week Joshua brought in his own bible to church. It was tattered and dog eared. While Tyler didn't like the sight of his Lord's book looking like it had been chewed on by a dog, at least it meant Joshua had used it before. Last week he had conveniently forgotten in in his pew and, instead of doing the logical thing and asking for it at school, has decided to badger Tyler about now.

Tyler shot Joshua a look. He couldn't seem to place what he found unsettling about the guy. Yes, he attended church in a leather bomber jacket with the word 'believe' stitched in on the back, a cross hanging from his neck and a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. Yes he had bright blue hair and a tendency to drink more than he worked. But those things weren't uncommon where they lived. It was something else about him that set Tyler's teeth on edge. Maybe it was the way he always seemed to be watching him.

"So, d'you have it?" asked Joshua, friendly as you please.

Tyler grunted and passed the dog eared book to Joshua. Before he could think twice, he found himself asking, "Why's it so messed up?"

He expected Joshua to get mad, but instead he looked at Tyler with an air of...what, amusement? Curiosity? Affection? He paused for a moment, still watching Tyler.

"It was my mothers," he said finally.

"Was?" Tyler asked in spite of himself.

Joshua gave a tense smile. Suddenly Tyler realized. Feeling guilty for having been so short with him earlier, he reached out and gripped Joshua's shoulder in what he hoped was a friendly and supportive gesture. "I'm sorry, Joshua, I didn't know. She's in a better place now. I can't imagine that helps much though..."

Joshua laughed softly. "Don't worry. Most people just wanna know how. By the way, you can call me Josh. No need to be so formal."

Tyler arched his eyebrow. "Why not? We're not friends."

Joshua- Josh- reverted his intense gaze back to Tyler. "What if I want to be?"

Tyler was taken aback by this. "Why?"

Josh stared at Tyler for a moment, his eyes roving him up and down, taking in his messy hair and preacher's robe. "You seem like a nice guy." he said finally.

"I'm unpopular,"

Josh shrugged. "I don't care. That shit doesn't matter past high school anyways. Me, I'm just wasting my time concerning myself about what everyone thinks of me. You, you're actually doing something with your life. Yeah, you're not Mr. Cool, but you stick by what you love. I respect that."

Tyler's head was swimming. Joshua Dun, everyone's sweetheart and fantasy, wanted to be his friend? The loser church boy. He shook his head, meeting Josh's intense gaze. "You'll regret this, you know."

Josh flashed him a grin, his eyes alight. "I'll be the judge of that, my friend."

Tyler reeled at the word. Friend? Really?

"So," Josh continued, idly flicking through his bible. "Wanna hang out after school tomorrow?"

Not knowing how to react, Tyler found himself nodding. "Um, sure. If you want."

Josh grinned again. Slipping his bible away, he gave Tyler a mock salute and made for the door.

"See ya tomorrow, church boy."


No disrespect intended if I got something wrong in regards to the terminology. In case the amount of Jesus jokes I make isn't a tip off, I am not a regular church attender.

Also thank you so much for 2k real holy shite you guys are amazing ily💞//

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