kissable lips

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Josh groaned aloud, rolling onto his stomach and watching his mother hurry into his room, a kitchen towel draping along her shoulders.

It was a cold Friday evening, and Josh had been looking forward to a long night of binge watching TV shows and eating whatever crap they had in their fridge. But if his mother was suddenly deciding to bother him, it must mean there was something he had forgotten to do.

"What?" Josh asked, staring up at her.

"Honey!" She clucked in exasperation. "The Josephs are coming in half an hour! What on earth are you doing?"

Josh was painfully aware of the sudden lurch in his stomach. He forced himself to remain impassive as he let out a slightly strangled grunt.

"Slipped my mind." he muttered, rolling off his bed, hoping he wasn't blushing. "I'll get changed really quickly."

Satisfied, Josh's mother slammed the door to his room and Josh allowed panic to set in.

Shit, he thought, flinging his phone down and hurrying to his bathroom. He looked like he hadn't left the house in three years. His shirt was crumpled and his hair, still brilliantly lavender from a fresh dye, the paint still staining his neck and ears, was piled atop his head like a dilapidated bird's nest.

"Shit." Josh groaned, splashing a handful of water onto his face. "Shit, shit, shit." he continued, running some gel in his hair. "Oh, shit." he hissed finally, tossing his old shirt aside for a crisp new one, a white button-down with an intricate pattern of flying birds.

He paused suddenly, examining himself in the mirror. Well, he looked cleaner now. Still a mess, but a tidier, more contained one.

Sighing deeply, Josh lowered himself down onto his bed and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. He hated when the Josephs came over, he absolutely detested it. Not that he didn't like them, quite the opposite. The Joseph parents and Josh's parents had been firm friends for as long as anyone could remember. He and the eldest son, Tyler, had been hanging out since they were babies, and had a deep brotherly connection to one another.

Except, brotherly wasn't the right word in Josh's case. Deeply homosexual, not-brotherly-or-platonic-in-any-way was a better word for it. Tyler was, well, he was Tyler. With his suave looks and handsome face and bubbly, beautiful personality.

And kissbable lips.

Highly kissable lips, in Josh's opinion.

Not that he could ever test his theories, because, from what he knew, Tyler was as straight as a ruler and saw Josh as nothing more than a close friend.


Josh junped out of his skin as the doorbell rang suddenly. Swallowing a new tide of apprehension that threatened to wash over him, he gave his hair one last check and threw his door open, running down the steps two by two, just in time for his mother to open the door on the assorted Joseph family perched on their front step.

The greetings were friendly and informal. Josh grinned at Tyler's younger siblings, placing Jay on his shoulders for a few moments before shaking the hands of Tyler's parents. Slowly, the procession made its way into the living room, leaving the lone figure of Tyler motherfucking Joseph standing on the doormat, grinning broadly at Josh.

"Josh!" Tyler's voice was shot full of excitement and an unrecognizable undercurrent of something else as he pulled the taller teenager into a bone-crushing hug. Trying not to go too red, Josh squeezed his friend back, grinning.

"Long time no see." Tyler snorted, casually walking up the stairs to Josh's toom, Josh following in tow. "You even changed your hair without me."

Josh felt a twinge of guilt at the sad look on Tyler's face. "Sorry, man. I promise I'll take you next time."

Tyler laughed, flopping down on Josh's bed and patting the space nedt to him. Josh sat down next to him, hating the way his breath caught in his throat and his legs shook. Oh god, he wasn't even subtle about it.

"Knowing you, that'll be within a week, Dun." Tyler teased, prodding him in the ribs.


Was it just his imagination, or did Tyler's hand linger just a fraction too long? He definitely couldn't ignore the strangely intense gaze in Tyler's deep brown eyes as he looked Josh up and down.

"You've changed." Tyler remarked, folding his hands in his lap.

Josh laughed nervously, all too aware of Tyler's knees on his or the intense, practically hungry look in the boy's eyes. Jesus Christ, what was this? Tyler was acting like a damn animal, something that was wildly out of character for him

"Yeah..." He ran a hand through his hair, Tyler's eyes following him all the way. "I tried out for football, can you believe?"

Tyler smiled, no, smirked. "I mean, you've definitely got the body. You could crush my dainty little head with one arm."

Tyler ran a hand down Josh's arm, Josh desperatly trying not to react. What had gotten into his normally hands-off friend? Who was this?

"Um." Josh said, because, really, what else could he say? Tyler's hand was placed casually on Josh's leg, his long fingers tracing patterns on Josh's thigh. He hand the nicest hands. Long, slender and tan, just like the rest of him. An artist's hands.

"H-how's art coming along?" he stammered. Tyler pondered the question, eyes still on Josh's thighs.

"Pretty good," he said lazily. "I'm working on anatomy, actually. Too bad none of the models at my school have a nice body...."

Tyler's fingers curled, his nails running up and down Josh's leg. It was taking alll he had not to jerk away. Or kiss Tyler. Both were high possibilities at this point.

"Like you." Tyler murmuered, his eyes locked into Josh's.

"I'm-I'm not sure I- well, you don't mean hot, not like that- obviously, right?"

Tyler shrugged, his fingers now ghosting over Josh's arm. "Well, I wouldn't say that. You are hot."

Oh, shit.

A blush erupted onto Josh's cheeks as Tyler's hand stopped right on his chest. He should've moved, should've moved, why didn't he move? Maybe because this was what he had wanted from Tyler for as long as he could remember.

He wanted this bad.

He needed this.

He needed Tyler.

"Tyler...." Josh said softly. Nothing but his name.

"What, Josh?" Tyler gave a cat-like smirk. "What do you want?"

Josh shook his head numbly, his lips heavy and his tongue frozen. Tyler tilted his head, his delicious-looking lips forming a small smile, his gorgeous eyss narrowing.

"Please?" Not a request. A question, a beg.

Tyler smirked.

"Kiss me?"

Tyler's smirk evolved into a full-blown grin as he shifted forward, his eyes on Josh's lips and his hands snaking around to his back.

"I can do that...."

//woooooooooo boy did i desecrate that or what?? also sorry for lack of writing i currently have fuckin finals so im p tired most nights but my school is out super soon so i'll have some good stuff up after! 

original idea creds to @shamlessjoshler//

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