Chapter 9

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Jason's Pov

What was she trying to tell me? Why does she want me to stay away from her? I thought we're good now.. But she keeps shutting me out. "Yo!" Freddy snapped his fingers at me. "Why do you keep zoning out bro?" He took a seat in front of me and studied my face. I looked away trying to avoid his gaze. "Nothing you should know of" I muttered. He chuckled raising his hands in surrender. I don't really share my problems with anyone.

"My son, you're back" a voice behind me said, Mason. I rolled my eyes , my son... Really. My dad will never be like you.

"I'm not your son" I snapped back at him making him laughed. "My, my.. Why so moody? We've got a job to do. Better gathered your shits together, and stop giving me that attitude. Do you understand now Mr Mccann" he gripped me by my neck hard enough making me winced. "If you ever think to disobey my order, I'll make sure you will die just like your brother, but worse" he threatened me.

The image of my brother dying in front of me , with his eyes tearing holding back the pain he felt . my heart skipped a beat that I almost teared up. Mason picked me up by my neck, almost choking me on my throat. This guy is twice than my size , his grip on me was so strong. "Do you understand, McCann?!" He asked almost yelling. "Ye-yes" I stuttered as I hardly could even speak when my throat was being tied down.

He released me making me fall to the ground, holding my throat gasping for air. My subordinates gathered around me and lifted me up on my feet. "Jason, you're alright?" I nodded. I rubbed my throat area making it feel better. "Next time, think twice before you go against me Mccann" he paused "The Italians are cooperating with the Cristiano's, have to make sure there are nobody tracking us around, identify his people.Luke.. Strengthen the defense around this area, make sure they'll never find us here. The rest, come into my office. You two.. Report to me as soon as you get the information" with that, Mason left with the boys into his room.

Luke already left the room , as I just decided to head home. I needed a rest. Hoping Y/n will still be around.

Y/n's Pov

My dad was standing behind the couch, one hand was holding a phone while another hand was holding a bottle of wine. He smirked as he saw me. I placed my bag on the ground and closed the door behind me. "Why come home now? Why hm? Your lover boy dumped you with another hot chick ? You shouldn't have let that kind of guy get to you--" I cit him off "Dad, I'm tired. And Jason isn't that kind of guy. I'm going upstairs now"

I was surprised by my father's reaction, as he just shrugged and let me said that to him without calling me rude and slam that bottle of wine on my head, making me faint again like he used to. He just went and sat on the sofa watching the TV. I let out a sigh of relief as I made my way upstairs. Should I be happy or worried instead? Well he is usually not like this.

I got into my room, and closed the door. And plopped myself down on my bed. I could not help myself not to think about Jason at the time. I admired his face, his smile always intimidate me. And made me blush. His hazel brown orbs always stares at me , I've never seen that kind of look on any guy. I love it when he ran his fingers through his hair, I find it sexy. My cheeks heated up and I hid my face in my pillow. And his lips... They look like they are calling for me. What are you doing to me, Jason McCann?

But what if what Brittany told me was true? Was it true that he only wants me for that? Sex? But if he wants it so badly , he would've done it , right? Jason is so nice to me. I think I really need to stay away from him, not because I believed what Britt told me. But I think I'm just not his type, and I can't give him what he wants. Just like what other girls can. I'm not like them.

I sighed, getting up from the bed to my closet an grabbed one of my shirts. I went to the bathroom, and closed the door behind me. I stripped down and went to get a shower.

Jason's Pov

As I got home, I expected Y/n to be there, but no.. I even went to her room, to find her but I found that her clothes are gone. And the bed remained untouched. It looks like she really wants to do this. I groaned and made my way downstairs, exploring my fridge. I took a bottle of wine out, and drank it .

I finished drinking the whole bottle, I threw the bottle aside as I heard the shattering sound. Who's going to clean that up? My subconscious told me. "Shut the fuck up" I muttered rolling over on the couch.

The real reason why I wanted her to move in here so bad, is because I know she isn't safe with her dad. I'm guessing her dad might be one of the Cristiano's men. And her dad might just turn her in, when he finds out we're close. I already knew that her dad is in debt with those people. That's why Y/n can't live there. she's unsafe.

But most of all, I want her all to me. I don't know why... She seemed weak to me., and I needed to help her. I felt the need to protect her. I find her alluring, to me. I don't know why, the whole school hates her so much, just because of the stupid bullies. But I think Y/n doesn't deserve that, she is a nice girl and beautiful, inside and out. I slapped myself in the face when I realized what I just thought. "You can't be in love, fuck it! Ugh!" I slapped myself again.

It was like I couldn't think, half of my brain was functioning and half wasn't. I took my phone from the side table and dialed a phone number. I heard the ringing time until the voice I wanted to hear so bad, picked up.



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