Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov

Jason unlocked our room's door, opening the door letting me in first. "Thanks" I smiled. He nodded and placed the room's card at its place. " I'm going back down there to take our bags, your clothes in there. You can rest first or take a shower or anything you want. Just don't sleep, or I'll be locked out of this room. I'll be back" he said before closing back the door. I chuckled plopping down onto the bed.

After it felt like 20 minutes already, I heard the doorbell rang. I shot up and ran towards the door. I was greeted by Jason's eyes looking at me so tensed. I raised an eyebrow, looking at him in confusion. "What?" I asked. His yes looked red, but it didn't look like he's been crying, the red eyes like the tired eyes and sleepy. "You're alright?" I asked as he made his way to our room, placing down our bags onto the wooden desk next to the wall.

"I'm fine. Just tired, I guess" he shrugged walking past me. "Can I ask you something?" I said. He jumped onto the bed , having the whole bed to himself.  "What" he said while his face dugged into the pillow. "Why did you pay for one room? There's only one bed... where do I sleep?" I asked. He sighed turning his body to face me in front of him. "I paid for it. And I want us to stay in one room. So that I can watch over you, this isn't just a night together. I'm trying to protect you now since I put you into this" he paused "if you're not feeling comfortable, I can sleep on the couch. You can have the bed. Don't worry. I'm not willing to do anything to you" he rolled his eyes.

He got up on his feet, pulling his shirt off. I turned around and covered my eyes. I heard he chuckled and the bathroom doom being opened. "You're lucky I'm too tired to even tease you right now" his voice sounded husky and tired. "I would've done more than just undressing in front of you if I didn't drive for three hours" he said and closed the door, locking it. I gulped taking a deep breath and sat on the couch.

I felt someone poked my cheeks a few times trying to wake me up. I groaned turning to my side, so that my back facing the person. I heard a chuckle and I felt the bed moved a bit. He finally can leave me alone. I thought.

I fluttered my eyes open, as I remembered that I haven't showered yet. I turned to my side so I was facing Jason on the couch. "What time is it now?" I asked. He was on his phone checking the time for me . "9.45 pm" he muttered. I nodded getting up from the bed. "I thought you were going out with the girl at the counter" I said. "I didn't say that I was going" he answered.

"Why not? You can--" I was cut off "Just go and take your shower. Leave it" he snapped. I rolled my eyes and got myself into the bathroom doing my business.

As I was done with the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel prepared by the hotel. I widened my eyes as I remembered that I didn't bring any clothes with me just now. And now I had to walk out and grab them clothes in front of Jason like this? I can just ask for him to take my bag. Right. That'll do.

"Jason!? Can you please take my bag for me please? I can't walk out like this" I shouted from the inside of the bathroom. There was no answer. "Jason?!" I called for him once more. No answer. I opened the door a bit to see what he was doing at the moment, he was sleeping, yes!

I slowly opened the door and walk tiptoed to take my bag. One hand holding my bag and one hand holding the towel next to my body. "Nice body you got there" I turned around to see Jason checking me out and then he sent me a smirk. I groaned stomping my feet into the bathroom. "You can just sleep in that you know, I wouldn't mind" he chuckled. "Whatever" I slammed the door shut, and I put on my clothes.

I reached for the door knob, that was when I heard Jason was talking to someone. "I don't care. Put our men there and guard out my house, I can't stay here forever! You can stay in my house, but don't you touch anything and take anything and keep the house clean. I'll kill you if--" he paused "Right. I trust you man" he said. "I need to protect her. Logan seems to know me too now. And he must know Y/n , her life is at risk now" he paused again.

"Mason informed me that Logan is currently in Paris. Give me a week and I'll find him there and kill him myself"

"Okay. Thanks man, bye". I heard something being thrown at the wall and shattered. I leaned closer to the door to hear more. Jason groaned and suddenly cursed "Fuck, fuck, fuck ugh" . I widened my eyes as something came across my mind. Oh gosh my mind was getting dirty. Is he masturbating?

"Y/n what are you doing in there so long? Get out now. I need to use the bathroom too"  he shouted. I perked up and walked to the sink counter and fixed my hair. I hung the towel on the rack. And slowly opened the door. "Finally" Jason glared at me before walking past me. I saw his hand was bleeding. "Jason are you alright?" I asked.

I walked back into the bathroom to check his condition. He was washing the wound and winced at the pain. "Jason I can help get you the first aid kit if you want" he shook his head. His hair was messy and I don't know why I felt the need to run my hair through it. But I didn't or he'll explode.

"Get to sleep, i'll be fine" he muttered. I nodded my head and made my way to the bed. I tried to get myself to sleep, I changed my positions on the bed for a few times but still, couldn't get to sleep. Jason finally got out of the bathroom, and jumped on the couch. "Jason, it would be better if you sleep here, the couch isn't comfortable" I convinced him.

"Go to sleep Y/n" he demanded. I watched him as he laid himself on his back while holding his hand that was bleeding just now, trying to get comfortable too. I saw that he tied his hand with a handkerchief and pressed it on his palm to stop the blood from coming out.

I sighed and got myself out from the bed and walked to him. He looked at me in confusion. "What are you doing? I asked you to-"

"Come and sleep on the bed with me" I said.


"Jason you're hurt"

"Just go to sleep" he said this time with a higher tone.

I hated the fact that this guy was just too stubborn for me. I pulled his arm with me dragging him off the couch to the bed. "For god's sake, I do not need to sleep on the bed too" he said. "For once Jason, listen to me. I want you to be comfortable " I rolled to my side and turned my back at him. I could feel his eyes on my back the whole time.

After it felt like minutes, I felt an arm made its way to my waist, and he got his body closer to mine. I could feel his breath at the back of my neck. I saw his wounded hand rested on my waist while his right arm snaked under my head making my head rested on his arm. "Jason, what are you doing?" I asked.


"Jason you can't-"

"You told me to get comfortable, and here I am getting myself comfortable"

"But Jas-"

"Get to sleep now Y/n" and that was the last word I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

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