Chapter 10

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Y/n's Pov

I was just done taking a bath and heading to my closet, grabbing a loose sweatshirt with a legging. I put them on and plopped myself down on the bed. I scrolled down my instagram , seeing some of my mutuals posts. Until I heard my phone ringing. I saw Jason's caller ID popped up.

"Hello?" No answer.

"Jason?" I called out for him again. I heard a faint sigh at the other side of the phone. "Why did you do that" he trailed off. "Why did you have to leave me again?"

I stayed quiet,didn't know what to answer. A hiccup came along as the line stayed quiet. "I know you're still there.." *hiccup* "don't you know you aren't safe there , without me around.. You'll get beaten up by your stupid father, you're not happy there" he paused "Why must you go back there? I don't want to see you.. *hiccup* crying again"

A tear slipped down my eye as he said that. No one has ever cared so much about me. But does he really.. Really do care about me? Or he just did that just to get into my pants? Gosh I'm so stupid. What if what Brittany told me were all true? "You don't care about me, and you should stop pretending like you do. I know the kind of guy like you, you just care about yourself. Once you get what you want, you'll leave me, that's enough, Jason.. You can drop the act now.. I know now. Goodnight,Jason" I said ending the call.

I threw the phone at the edge of the bed, and grabbed my pillow, deciding to sleep already to rest my mind.


I woke up to the sound of a knock, not exactly a knock. It was as if a stone being thrown to the window.  I got up and walked to the window, to see if there was someone down there throwing a stone to my bedroom's window. And I saw a figure standing , but I couldn't see his face.

I opened the window and stuck my head out to see the person's face even more clearly, and guess who.. It was Jason. "What are you doing here in the morning?" I whispered almost yelling to him. He snickered as I said that. "In the morning? Baby it's just 11.30 pm, aren't you a sleepy head" he said. He kept stumbling back and forth. It was like he's drunk. "Jason, are you okay?" I asked.

He muttered under his breath that I could hardly hear. "What?" I whispered. I didn't want my dad to hear us out. Or I'll be dead.  "Let me in" he mumbled before rubbing his hands I've his arms to keep his body warm. He let out another hiccup as he sat on the ground,lying on the grass. "Jason, what are you doing?! Go back home!!" I yelled. He didn't listen to me as he kept laying down there while rubbing his arms over and over again.

I decided to go out and take him to my bedroom. He can't stay there all night, or he will get sick. I ran to the front door and swung it open. I ran to Jason's side, and I tried to get him up on his feet but he was just heavier that I thought. He let out a small laugh as I put his arms around my shoulder and pulled him up on his feet. He's drunk. I thought. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

I tried my best not to make any noise that might wake my dad up. I slowly closed the door, and locked it. It was harder when I had to carry him up the stairs. But I passed. I got into my room and closed the door with my foot. I laid him on my bed and took off his shoes and put them on the ground. I slowly pulled the duvet over his body, keeping him warm.

I grabbed a pillow from another side of the bed and I laid myself on the bedroom's floor. Guess I will be sleeping down here tonight. I was laying by my side and tried to go back to sleep when I heard the sound of my bed cracking,like someone was getting up from it. Is Jason awake? What is he doing? I didn't move an inch from my position just now.

I got myself comfortable as I felt myself being lifted off the ground and being placed on the soft surface, my bed. I peeked one of my eyes open, and saw Jason made his way to the bathroom. And when he came out, he was shirtless. Oh god. I hugged my pillow next to my chest. As I felt his presence at my back, my breath hitched.

Jason laid himself down next to me, and slowly snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body. I felt his hot breath at the back of my neck, it made me even more nervous. "Relax, I'm not going to do anything to you. Go to sleep" he demanded. "I planned to come here, just now.." He paused , whispering in my ear. "If you don't want to live with me, I have to  make sure you are by my side... So that I can protect you. That's the least I can do" he muttered.

I turned around to face him. The lights of the room was shining in his eyes, making the color of his eyes even more attractive, even lighter. "Why--why are you doing this,Jason?" I asked him. "We are friends, you told me. I thought I should protect you from your crazy father. He can hurt you anytime. And God.. I hate it when I see you crying. I always see that, it made me think like, what's going on in her life? I had to figure out. I have this feeling, that I need to protect you from everyone... And I have a feeling too, that you need me. That's why" he explained.

I smiled , slowly closing my eyelids. Jason drifted off to sleep earlier than I did. I suddenly heard the bedroom's door cracked.  I pretended to sleep as well.

"He's here...the Jason boy you were telling me" it was my dad.

"Yes yes. He's in my house right now, sleeping with his girlfriend" he paused "I'll send you the address, come right up.. I don't know how long he will be staying" he stated. "Okay. Be fast" he closed the door and I heard the sound of the door being locked. No way he's not doing that. I got up and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

I started to freak out, walking back and forth in the room. I tried to wake Jason up, and he slowly peeled his eyes open. "Jason, my dad just called someone and he told them you're here. I have no idea who was he talking to, and why he's doing this, but he locked us up in this room. I am so sorry, I don't know why he did that honestly i don't" Jason looked at me in disbelief.

He shot up off the bed and walked to the window. "He's too stupid to just lock us in here, not knowing we still have a way out from here. They'll probably take an hour to come here. Pack your stuff now, Y/n" he ordered.

I did as I was told. I grabbed everything I needed. And Jason jumped out of the window and finally reached to the ground. "Throw your bags now" I threw it down and he caught it. "Now jump" I widened my eyes, not too sure if I'd be able to jump.

"I will catch you,I promise" he said. I was still doubting him. "Come on, Y/n... We've got no time left. You have to trust me on this" I nodded as I jumped to the branch of the nearest tree to my window, and climbed down the tree. I jumped off and Jason caught me. I was now in his arms again, and he smirked. "Let's go" he set me on my feet and grabbed my bags.

He put the bags at the back of his car, and went to driver's seat and turned on the engine. "Shit shit!!" I heard someone cursed and I looked back at the house it was my dad who got out in his pajamas and tried to chase after us. "They're here. We have to leave now" he said driving off the neighborhood.

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