Chapter 1

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Hey guys, I'm back with three sequels! I've been so excited to start this because I've finally gotten out of writers block and I have an interesting plot. Oh yeah and I'm doing POVs now so that's new. Enjoy!

WARNING! Blood at the end


~(Y/n)'s POV~

I grabbed Killua's hand and smiled at him as he smiled back.

We made our way to the heaven's arena with Gon.

When we got there we signed up for it and in a week got to the 100th floor where we got our own rooms.

"Can't I share a room with you (Y/n)?" Killua asked.

"Nope! We have to have our own separate rooms"

"But I haven't done anything with you for ages"

"Wait what did you mean by sharing a room?"

"So then we can snuggle in bed... Unless you wanted to do something else?" he smirked and I blushed.

"No you pervert! Anyway we can go on a date tomorrow, how about that?"


Tomorrow came by quickly and I was going on my date.

"How about we go to the cinema?" Killua asked.

"Yeah I'd love that" I replied.

We decided on a movie and halfway through it I put my hand on the arm rest so that Killua would put his hand on mine but I got annoyed when he didn't so I glared at him and he gave me a 'What?' look then put his hand on mine and whispered in my ear,

"I was only teasing you"

After the movie I gave Killua a sweet kiss on the cheek and we walked back to our rooms for the night.

~Killua's POV~

At midnight I crept into (Y/n)'s room and snuggled next to her.

When I woke up she wasn't there so I looked around for her but couldn't find her.

I went to Gon's room and knocked on the door asking if he had seen (Y/n) but he hadn't.

We went to my room and Gon ran back to his room as I puked from seeing the sight in front of me. Blood. Everywhere. Now I wouldn't puke when I was being an assassin but knowing it was (Y/n)'s made me puke anyway.

I saw a note and picked it up, reading it. It said,

'We have (Y/n), if you want her back come and get her'

My puke was mixed in with the tears coming from my eyes.

'I have to get her back...'

Kidnapped (Killua X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant