Chapter 17

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I went into town with Levi, in case Killua would find me and I called Kurapika's number at a payphone.

It rang three times until someone picked up.



"(Y/n)? Why are you calling?"

"Uhh, well... it's a long story but if it isn't too much trouble, could I please stay with you? I understand if you're too busy"

"That's fine but I'd like to know why when you get here"

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me"

"When are you getting here?"

"I'm going to buy a train ticket for today but I'm not sure how long it will take so either today or tomorrow"

"See you then"

He hung up.

"Shall we go?" Levi asked.


We went to buy our tickets and Levi was coming so that there would be no trouble on the way and he could protect me.

I would protect myself but my power had not yet come back.

Levi got food and drinks whilst I waited. I felt like I was being watched but there was no one suspicious around.

My palms started to get sweaty and I breathed heavily as I felt anxious that Killua would find me.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

I looked up and saw that Levi was there. My nervousness had gone as soon as I saw him.

"Yeah, I just feel a bit scared when I'm on my own"

"I won't leave you alone anymore, I promise"

The feeling of being watched went away and I felt relieved.

The train had come in time and Levi and I got on.

Unfortunately, we couldn't find two seats next to each other so Levi argued with someone to change seats but they refused.

"Levi" I said "It's fine, look there's a seat right there"

I pointed to a spot and saw that someone was sat in the middle seat but there were empty seats beside him.

"But they aren't together"

"We'll be near each other at least"

He sighed and nodded.

I sat by the window and looked at the person next to me. I couldn't see his face properly but I felt that same feeling of anxiousness as I did earlier. It wasn't as bad though.


It was the end of the journey and Levi stood up. The person next to me didn't and I tapped his shoulder.

He turned to look at me and I gasped.

"Hey (Y/n)" he said "I missed you, why did you leave?"


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