Chapter 16

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

For the next few weeks I belonged to Killua.

I wasn't allowed to do anything I wanted to do and I had to do what he said.

I felt hopeless and broken.

Occasionally, we went to see Levi and Gon so that they wouldn't suspect anything. Unfortunately, it worked or so I thought.

Right now, I was sat in our hotel room after we had seen our friends and Killua had a stoic expression.

"You looked at Levi today" he said "You're only allowed to look at me! Don't you understand? If you disobey me again I will kill him"

"Killua please" I said concerned "I looked at him to not cause suspicion. You have to believe me!"

"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?!" he smiled psychotically "You will never see him again"

"K-Killua! You can't stop me from seeing my friends!"

"I can do what I want! I own you"

~Levi's POV~

I had suspected something all week about Killua so I decided to go to their room but before I could knock, I heard their whole conversation and decided to take action.

The next day, I hid behind the corner and saw Killua walk out of their room.

I waited until he was completely gone and knocked on the door.

The door opened instantly and (Y/n) hugged me as soon as she saw me.

"Please... save me Levi" she said "He's gone insane"

"I know" I replied "I heard the whole thing last night"

I grabbed her hand and took her out of the room.

Their room was dark so I couldn't see what state (Y/n) was in but as soon as she got into the light my heart stopped.

She was pale, her eyes were red from tiredness and she was thin from hunger.

I crouched down and signalled for her to get onto my back.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Get on. You're too weak to run"

She got onto my back and I ran back to my room.

I gave her something to eat and she fell asleep after.

Her colour was coming back to her face and I decided to talk to Gon about talking to Killua.

I told him about what had happened and he had a surprised expression but he agreed to talk with him.

When (Y/n) woke up, I told her she could have a bath and her face lit up at the idea.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I took a bath and it was the most relaxing thing in months. Levi bought me new clothes since I only had one pair of clothes and my other ones were in Killua's room.

I put them on after the bath and they fit perfectly.

I left the room and Levi gave me a warm cup of tea.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong with Killua but I'm thankful that you helped me"

"It was no problem but I was thinking that maybe you should travel far away from here"


"Do you have any other friends that might take you in?"

"I do but-"

"Listen (Y/n), you can't risk anything again"

"Ok. I'll ask Kurapika but I don't want to be a burden"

"I'm sure he'll understand if you explain the problem"

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