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Kol Mikaelson

          ALEXANDRA AND MATT walked on either side of Elena as they strutted over to doppelgänger's house.

"Thanks for walking me home, guys." Elena smiled at the two and Alex merely nodded in response.

"You doing okay? This has to bring up a lot for you." Matt stated gently.

"We've all lost a lot."

"I swear it's this freaking town, it's crazy, it shouldn't be real. We shouldn't be living like this." Alex huffed, walking towards Elena's front door. Elena nodded in agreement before opening the door.

The doppelgänger walked inside and flipped the light switch on. Alex narrowed her eyes when the lights stay off. "That's weird." Elena stated, flipping the switch numerous times.

"Electricity must be out." Matt said.

"Thanks, captain obvious." Alex remarked sarcastically, earning a small flick to the forehead. The girl glared at Matt before shutting the front door.

Elena and Matt walked in the kitchen, where as Alex stayed put in the living room, cautious of her surroundings. The girl gripped tightly on to the small stake she kept in the waist band of jeans.

"Oh my god!"

"What the hell?"

Alex ran to the kitchen quickly and stopped immediately at what she saw. The girl took a deep breath in as grabbed another torch from the open cabinet and stared at the pool of blood. She looked up to see Elena and Matt standing on the other side of it, their faces mixed with complete disgust, fear and confusion.

The doppelgänger moved her torch to the side and her breath hitched at the sight of a bloody hand print painted on the doorway. Alex looked at the hand print and she immediately took out the stake she had been gripping on to and held it up. Elena and Matt followed her actions as they both picked up knives from the island.

The two stepped over the pool of blood and joined Alex on the other side. Elena and Matt shared a small glance as the trio followed the bloody footprints. Elena then proceeded to walk out the kitchen, with the two following behind her.

Alex shined the torch towards the doorways and walls, seeing more handprints. The girl bit her lip as she held on tighter to the stake in her hands.

The trio walked up the staircase, following the handprints on the wall and banister. Alex was the last one to walk up the stairs, glancing back every so often to make sure no one had entered the doppelgänger's house.

Alex heard Elena breathing heavily and the girl ran up next to Matt and looked in the direction the blond boy was staring at. The girl followed his gaze to Alaric leaned up against a doorway, with a knife in his stomach, unconscious.

"Ric!" Elena yelled as she crouched to his side. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-um." The doppelgänger clutched her hands around the knife handle and began to pull on it.

Ric suddenly woke up and screamed in pain at Elena's action. "No!" Alex shouted grabbing the girl's arm.

"She's right, Elena leave it in. He's lost too much blood," Matt explained. "I'll call 911."

Elena nodded in understanding, still staring down at her guardian's wound, completely dumbfounded. "Ric, look at me. Who did this to you?" The doppelgänger asked as she cupped his face gently.

 Human  ↝  Kol Mikaelson [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now